06 | Necklace

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"Guys, I need to say something" I made everyone gather up except Taehyung and Jimin who were busy with Taeyeon to somehow make her better, to be honest even if we all have never met Taeyeon since Taehyung was too overprotective, there is this feeling I feel when I'm around her like she is my own sister, she reminds me of my own sister.

"What Hobi, hurry up I need to get my sleep back" The grumpy old man spoke.

"Calm down, so Jungkook is going to Busan and Jimin can go with him, he just needs a break" all they stared at me in disbelief, " What? he just needs a break, only for 2 days"

"That is not the problem, Jimin I don't think he will be going" I completely forgot about that, out of all of us Jimin cares more about Taeyeon since they met before, their like best friends, "So I guess Jungkook is going by himself, okay Jungkook I have booked your ticket, your leaving at 5 pm so you don't have much time" Jungkook ran into his room.


I can't believe hyung, I wanted to go but not this early, I haven't even fully met Taeyeon yet I have this special feeling as if I have met her before, and that I need to do something instead of running away.

But without wasting time I packed my bag, I was going by train back home, nothing was better than the train, I just hope fans don't recognise me. I looked at myself once at the full mirror in front and realised my necklace it wasn't on, I can't lose that necklace, my life depends on it. My mum gave it to me and strictly instructed me to not take it off unless showering. I didn't even take a shower yet, so where could it possibly go.

"Jungkook are you ready?" I ignored him, I needed my necklace, " Jungkook, J-hope is calling for you so hurry up"

"Namjoon hyung I'll be there in a few secs" I shooed him and continued looking for that necklace, I looked everywhere but I couldn't seem to find it.

"What are you looking for, I have been watching you and you seemed to not take any notice" Namjoon still standing at the door, staring at me intensely.

"Hyung my necklace I can't find it" I explained and he helped me find it, it was under my pillow the whole time, I sighed in relief, "Thanks hyung"

"Well you're going to run late, I bet J-hope is losing his patience so go quickly" I picked up my stuff and headed out the room.


Everyone came to drop me off except Jimin and V hyung, but I understand, maybe these 2 days of my life will help me recover as well as Taeyeon.

I boarded my Train while bidding goodbye to my Hyungs, "Take care!" Jin hyung screamed.

I sat by myself on an empty seat with my cap covering most of my face, no one could see me. The whole journey I could only think about Taeyeon but I don't know why, I don't even know her, she doesn't even know. With all the thinking I ended up sleeping for 3 hours.


I stood watching at the building that stood in front of me, memories of my childhood were in front of my eyes as if I was living a normal life again. I knocked on the old wooden door which stood with pride. I was welcomed to my brother, who had a huge smile plastered on his face as he saw me.

"Hey bro" He came and hugged me tightly, refusing to let go, a smile formed on my face just by seeing him.

"Hey, let go" I pushed him off as a joke, while he pouted.

"Mum, Jungkook is here" Did he lose all his respect, but not a surprise he does that every time he gets angry.

"Hey it was just a hug" he was still pouting, "Fine, I'll give you a peck then to make up" He has never loved any physical affection especially on his face, except for hugs obviously. But this time it was different he didn't panic nor push me, just I was about to give a peck on his cheek he flicked my forehead.

"I forgive you" With that he laughed, so did I.

"Kookie" My mum ran towards me and hugged me tightly, "How are you?" she backed away to scan me, "Omg you haven't been eating your meals right, look how skinny you have gotten" I interrupted my mum otherwise she would have gone on and on.

"Mum I am fine, I'm here, but not to get fat" I laughed and walked in the house with my mum and brother, Dad is usually busy, I know he comes home late night.

"How long are you here for bro?"

"2 days"

"2 days why not 2 weeks" He whined like a baby, which he is.

It was nearly 10 now and I was downstairs playing Overwatch with my brother, when mum had come, "Jungkook I need to talk to you."

"Jungkook, that necklace where it is?" My mum asked me nervously, I had totally forgotten about it.

"It is in my bag I forgot to put it on," I told her

"Well then put it on now before you forget okay" She sighed in relief, I still want to ask after so many years why I have to wear that necklace even though it is absolutely beautiful, however, whenever I would ask my mum she would always divert the topic but this time I wasn't letting this go I'll blackmail her emotionally if I need to, but I'll find out the truth behind this necklace.

I went upstairs to put that necklace back on and once I had put it on I headed back down again. Dad was back home, he took off his shoes and his eyes widened as he spotted me. "Jungkook" he came running to me, everyone loves, "oh my god how are you?" He inspected me.

"I am fine dad, how are you?" I smiled.

"I'm great now that you are back" He enthusiastically spoke

We later ate dinner with Dad, it was quite late but the day went really quick, I had forgotten about Taeyeon and the incident, perhaps hyung was right a day or 2 would clear up my mind, but I still can't remember if I actually had any physical contact with her or not. I feel like I am going to go crazy.

After we had eaten we all went to our room, my room was exactly the same, I didn't have to unpack, since I try to come home at least once a year, sometimes our schedule is very tight but I Facetime them nearly every day, so I don't lose touch.

Following Morning 


Jungkook had gone yesterday, but it was so sudden, I feel like Jungkook and J-hope are hiding something but that isn't something I'm going to be worried about yet, we need to get Taeyeon condition to improve if she hadn't hidden the truth from Taehyung then maybe she wouldn't be in this state. She is someone who deserves an Oscar, if she hadn't stopped me that day I would have told Taehyung everything, things would be different, I hope she gets better and becomes the person I know, the one who never shuts up even if she was the saddest person on earth she always found a way to make other people even if she is suffering she never showed it, not even a glance, her smile covered it.

But now... it is gone however I have promised myself to get that smile back, that normal Taeyeon back.


How was this part, sorry if it dragged on? I hope you enjoyed 

Enjoy reading, Avi xx

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