12 | Memories

48 10 1




"Hyung?" A voice startled me, interrupting my chain of thoughts. 

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?" I questioned, but who was I to question him, because he's probably worried for his sister just like I'm worried about my best friend, my l-.

"I can't sleep, I feel guilty" I understood him, because I felt the same, unknowingly I blurted, "Same"

"Huh!" Shocked Taehyung faced me with eyes that showed sleep deprivation, I knew he hadn't slept in days, he was going through a lot, he's lost too many loved ones to lose another.

"I feel guilty, I feel helpless, I know Taeyeon better than anyone, she is my best friend, we shared so many moments growing up especially when you lived with your grandma and she was in Busan, I miss those moments, I miss her, I miss her" Tears rolled down my cheeks as my face heated up and my nose became runny, mind flooded with memories. I felt a hand on the shoulder. 

"I know, she shared everything with you, believe me, I used to be jealous of your relationship, especially in High School, I remember people mistook you as her brother because of the bond you had and I didn't, I never knew why I didn't have that bond but the one thing I did know is that my and Taeyeon had a relationship where we lived for each other, she couldn't stand me getting hurt and I couldn't stand her getting hurt" He stared at me trying to blink his tears away, but I knew these siblings to well.

"You can cry you know" I stated. 

"For the first, I regret moving out that house to move in with my grandma, when I was 11, I wish I took Taeyeon with me, I wish I didn't leave her alone with my dad-"

"Taehyung, it's not your fault you did what you were comfortable with and it was the benefit for your mental health"

"But I'm selfish, if it affected me so much, how could it not affect Taeyeon" I knew how much she was affected, she became a whole new person, after that one night, which she's never spoken about to anyone.

"Tae lets go to sleep, it's late and we have important stuff to do, I will ask our manager to cancel any events and promotions for the next 7 days, you need rest and so does Kookie and Yeonnie" I wiped away my tears and helped Taehyung up from the floor, I glanced at the digital clock on the wall, which read 01:37. Another day has passed, I am still helpless 'why Taeyeon. Why did you make me promise you for something I shouldn't? I wish I could change the time back'



The alarm blasted across the room as I squirmed around in my bed, it had taken me hours of thoughts to fall asleep and all were filled with Taeyeon, I've never felt so guilty in my life, but more than that I was curious, she had something special, something only I know of,  but why and where did she get it from. Lazily, I flung my right arm to open the drawer by my bedside, flickering my eyes open, I examined the piece of jewellery, which laid in its box. I swear it was identical. "Jungkook, wak-, you're awake, well get dressed you got to for an interrogation at 1" J-hope spoke and slammed the door in the face again, it becomes a daily routine now for J-hope to come in hoping he was not the last to be awake, but I'm usually up like 30 minutes later my alarm goes off, on good days. 


"Yeonnie-" Jimin-ssi screamed to wake me up, reminding me of our school days, I miss those days, I miss myself, the one that wasn't 18 years old, I wish I could skip that birthday, it was something I wanted to erase. 

"I'm awake" I spoke timidly, I wanted to show I'm fine, I hate this, I can't stop feeling unwanted. 

"You got to submit your report today, Kookie will be going with you" right kookie, now I feel guilty after last night, he fought for me, only Jimin and Taehyung have ever done that, it felt nice, it was nice to know someone tried helping me that night, "Do you want to talk to me?" He knew when I wanted to talk, I simply nodded. "Fine, clean up a bit and I'll go get us some breakfast made by our chef Jin, and then we'll talk okay?" again I just nodded as I saw him leave my room, I for once took in my surrounding which I was unaware of until now. 

It looked modern, classy and it screamed Jimin at me, with his comic books arranged neatly along with his medals from Busan and childhood pictures along the light blue wall, anyone could tell he had left a designated area for dance. I was too busy thinking about the past I can't change, that I forgot about the people around me, who are willing to do anything for me.

Removing the duvet across my body, I let my feet touch the wooden floor, taking in all the scents, I felt free, just like a free bird, it was a new feeling, dragging myself to the bathroom, memories of the other night played like a broken recorder, I can't believe I did that again, slowly walking in front of the mirror, I glanced at everything, how it was arranged, it was perfect, how I like it, but do I like it? 

'Taeyeon stop dwelling on the past, you need to get a hold of yourself, this isn't how I should be behaving, I am the perfect daughter of the Kim's' I needed to be strong, for Taehyung, for Jimin and most importantly my dad. 

After washing myself clean, I wore a black oversized hoodie matched with black leggings and wore my slipper, for now, I then walked back into Jimin's room but this time instead of being in deep thoughts of the past, I unlocked my phone and scrolled through Instagram, trying to forget the past and live my life till I'm here.

"Yeonnie, I got you scrambled eggs" Jimin spoke as he kicked the door with his foot while stabilising the tray in his hands, which scrambled eggs on toast for me and an oats bowl for Jimin. We both sat on the bed, placing the tray onto the small foldable bed table.

"So, how are you feeling about today, it's been nearly a month since the incident," Jimin asked me.

"Honestly Jimin I feel better, but for some reason, I can't help but feel guilty, Jungkook was trying to help me but I kept blaming him, I didn't know he was trying to help me, it feels nice to know that there was someone who tried, but I am a bit nervous for today, I don't know what to expect" 

"Everything will be fine, and your dad called today" Jimin informed.

"Dad called?" I asked.

"Yes he called Taehyung, in fact, he has been calling every day to monitor your health, you know how Taehyung is, so I thought I should let you know and he spoke to me today saying he will meet you outside the police station before the interrogation. I nodded happily while eating my scrambled eggs.

"These are tasty, did Jin make them?" Jimin nodded laughing at me eating before suddenly he asked.

"How were things going on with you and Mrs Kim?"

"Better I guess"

"Liar" he stated, "Why don't you just tell Taehyung? It was affecting your mental health, we both know she doesn't deserve that place - she can't replace your mum." His voice became angrier.

"I know but we can't fill that empty space for my dad either, she can even if it is for money"

"But she -" I interrupted him. 

"I know she killed my mum"


Honestly, I am so happy to republish this book, I'm finally writing again, I am also working on another book, I need to find some time to finish off business deal but I think it is best off for me to pay attention to this book since there aren't my grammatical issues but Business Deal is a whole new thing I had written that book when I was 14 and gosh I reread it and I can't believe I had written that. 

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Avi xx 

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