15 | Hatred

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It has been a whole week since the interrogation and many things had changed from me having my first meeting with my counsellor today. It had been a whole week since Jungkook had made his way to the hospital after finding out I had a panic attack. It had been a whole week since her words filled my thoughts.


"You know you really are like your mother - an attention seeker," she commented, "I can't believe I've spent over 18 years of my life raising you to just turn out like her" Her words were hurting me and she knew it well, she knew how her words stabbed my heart. It hurt knowing my own aunt had a heart filled with hatred towards her own niece. 

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry, huh, doesn't look like it, I sent you to Taehyung for a reason, I wanted you out of my life, I only want Taeyong" she scoffed, "You know he's been blaming me for the past month for your condition, I should've given you that gift that day so you would've stayed in your bloody room," she said as she took out a letter, immediately I recognised it, "But I guess you will never get these anymore" she smirked at my defeat. 

"Please I beg you, please Aunt, you know they are my life" the letters written by my mum. My mum had always had a habit of writing letters when she was alive, how do I know? Well after she passed away she wrote me a last letter informing me about her previous letters she had written to no one is specific but she always wrote a letter to 'Dear No One' every month summarising the events she went through, those letters gave me peace - I felt as if I'm living my mum's life. Only my aunt ever knew where my mum had placed those letters, so she had an upper hand whenever it came to using me, threatening me with the letters but those letters were my drug - an addictive drug. Those letters are one of the first things I learnt to read and these years have passed with still hundreds of them to go.

"Tough luck, I'll think about giving them to you at a later date 'when you bring me happiness'"

"I'll do anything" My energy was drained as I saw placing the letter back in her bag.

"Oh, my princess get well soon" She abruptly hugged me, wiping away my tears, little did I know it was just a pretence.

"Yeonnie?" I heard Taehyung's voice, causing her to break the hug and to face him, while he looked at my dried-up tears, "How are you feeling?"


"I'm nervous" I spoke as Jimin entered with Yein, who I had gotten close to in the last week, she was lovely just as she used to be in high school. We had been waiting for my counsellor to come as the rest of the boys started to prepare for their comeback, they were too hung up on my life that they had forgotten they had a career to take care off, it took a lot of convincing for Taehyung to go but Jimin was adamant even though Yein said she will stay with me. 

"Don't be nervous, it'll benefit you" Yein patted my back, "And Jimin, trust me, I'm here with Taeyeon I think you should go to practice as well" Jimin again shook his head indicating a no. All three of sitting in front of black screen, lodging on the couch waiting, a sudden chime of the doorbell chimed through the walls. Thinking it was the counsellor I went to open the door only to be met by another familiar figure.

"Jungkook?" Yein spoke behind me while my mouth was agape, he looked exhausted, sweaty and panting hard.

"A-are you okay?" I stuttered, starting a conversation, he looked wide-eyed at me not expecting me to speak to him, "Oh, I'm sorry, come in" I moved out of the way for him get inside, but he wobbled his way, my eyes trailed to his legs, seeing them wobble, immediately I had known he was dehydrated, "hey!" I exclaimed as Jungkook lost his balance, just as was about to fall I held onto his arm, an electrifying spark migrated through my body. 

"Jungkook-ah" Jimin looked shocked, most likely because of my action while Yein helps by grasping his other arm wrapping it over her shoulder, both of us helped him sit on the couch. 

"Jimin, could you get him so water and get some coffee as well" I demanded, oblivious of Jimin's smile. 

"Jungkook, do you have a blood pressure monitor?" I asked but again he stared at me, "Jungkook?"

"Hmm," he hummed.

"I asked if you have a blood pressure monitor" I questioned but again he didn't reply instead Yein handed me a blood pressure monitor, "Thanks Yein"

"No worries, but you look professional doing this" she smiled at me while plopping herself next to Jungkook, who still kept staring at me like a newborn baby who's funding me fascinating, quicky reply a 'thanks' I got back to rolling long short sleeve on.

"Jungkook, I need you to relax a bit" as I placed my index and middle finger against his vein on his wrist, hearing his unsteady heart rate, I saw him flinch under my touch. 

"Her-" Jimin stopped halfway seeing me so close to Jungkook. Moments passed in silence before the sound of a knock was heard on the door, turning our heads to the sound that reverberated. 

"Good afternoon, sorry I got stuck up in traffic" He spoke at the doorstep, "I'm Dr Lee Minho, Miss Kim Taeyeon's counsellor"

"Come in, we were waiting for you" Jimin spoke, placing the water bottle and cup of coffee on the table, while the councillor eyed between me and Yein, confused on who's his patient, "This is Taeyeon" Jimin pointed towards me, while I got up taking a step back.

"Hi, Taeyeon, I'm Minho" he extended his hand to shake but I just looked at him eyes widened, unable to form some sort of sentence, I was afraid but a few minutes ago I was fine with Jungkook, so why not with someone else, "It's okay, I'm going to ask a simple question would you like to do your first session here, with everyone?" all I did was nod.

Jimin came up to me, shaking my shoulder indicating to take a seat. Jungkook's arm was long forgotten with the abandoned blood pressure monitor, Minho's eyes trailed to the equipment, "so you were taking his blood pressure, or should I say about to" It was uncomfortable as I sat in between Jimin and Jungkook, while Yein sat next to Jungkook.

Taking in a handful of courage I spoke, "He looked pale and he kept licking his lips, so I thought he was showing signs of dehydration" I began speaking looking at my thighs.

"I see, look I know it is uncomfortable, I've read through your case and I have one thing to say, you are strong" I glanced at him, to see him beam brightly at me, "I can see you are taking your recovery gradually and its nothing to be worried about but I'm going to need to cooperate with me, it's going to take a while but it won't work unless you loosen yourself, I'm here to support you" he spoke ever so sincerely, it was as if it was only me and him in the room.

"Ok" I agreed, I guess I got to move on with life. 

"I'm going to ask a few simple questions okay?" He started talking to me about what my hobbies and favourite stuff are including; colour, places, people and subject. It wasn't long before I started to feel myself loosen up but as I did, we had reached the end of the session with no word uttered by the 3 people who spectated the whole session, "See, you've made an improvement, I'll see you within a week okay" he spoke before he muttered a few words to Jimin who help the main door open for him.

Twisting over, I was faced with a weakly beaming Jungkook, "I'm sorry."


An update within 24 hours I'm proud of myself and it is over 1300 words. I can see myself finishing this book, at the moment I think it might just go over 30 chapters because I got more Jungkook and Taeyeon scene as well as Jungkook and Yein, remember guys she is his girlfriend.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. 


Avi xx


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