19 | Hurt

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Jungkook's POV:

"Hi mum, I got a question, I know I've been nagging you for the past couple of years and even when I came home a few weeks ago but you were too stubborn to tell me yet" I paused looking at my screen where I could see the worried image of my mum, "Mum, Kim Taeyeon, Taehyung's sister has the same necklace as me, she thinks it is a coincidence but I don't, so tell me the truth" 

I saw her eyes widen at Taeyeon's name, ignoring my question she started babbling, "How is she? I saw her on the news the other day, Jungkook she didn't deserve that-"

"Mum I know", guilt conscious couldn't hear more knowing how disappointed my mother will be when she finds out, "Taeyeon's feeling better but I need an answer"

"Jungkook dear, you have found your destination" Was all she spoke, smiling.

"Mum!" at this moment I just needed a straight forward answer, "Would you elaborate?"


"The media has pictures" Mind still wandered to the conversation my mum and I had a few days ago, I couldn't believe what she had said, "Jungkook, this isn't the first time" Bang PD scolded me. 

"I'm sorry"

"If an apology could've fixed anything I wouldn't have been having a go at you" My head stayed low, "The media are demanding answers which we can't provide unless Taehyung reveals that he is her brother"

"No, we all know why he isn't willing to do that especially not right now" I spoke, "I'll take care of it Taeyeon's my friend and she doesn't deserve this"

"Well, when you said Yein was your friend it turned out she was your girlfriend" 

"I know but this time Taeyeon is my friend"

"Look Jungkook you are lucky enough that the media hasn't found out that you were involved in the case and neither do they know about your relationship with Yein and in all honesty, I don't know what I can do for you in this case" he stated, "I'm going to have to leave you to your own devices, but I have issued a statement that she is your friend, now the next steps are your choice just remember I'll support you no matter what" he patted my back before leaving.

'I guess I'll have to talk to Taeyeon'


Stepping a foot back into our dorm, I realised how many things I had to share with Taeyeon but life was against me as I saw her talking to Jimin, I was about to leave but the faint words that she uttered caught my attention.

"Jimin, I think I should go back home after my graduation" she spoke, knowing well she only had a few months till graduation, it hurt knowing she will leave soon but what did I expect.

"Taeyeon, please tell Taehyung" Jimin pleaded her just as I was about to leave again, not wanting to be rude but my actions acted faster than my mind and I found myself right next to her door - eavesdropping, "Taehyung deserves to know"

"Jimin, I thought we've had this conversation before!" She argued back.

"Taeyeon, I understand but till how long will you be able to hide the truth, he'll find out one day and what if..."

"Don't continue, he will never find out, I won't let him" She assured him, "I've lived this truth for the last 10 years and I'll willingly do it for another as long as Taehyung isn't hurt, I can't afford to lose him, I've lost too many"

"Including yourself, Taeyeon stop acting as if you have moved on" He hugged tightly, the next few words were muffled yet audible, "I know your friends with Jungkook only because Taehyung still isn't speaking to him yet you are trying to show you have forgiven him when all you remember is the night when you see him" My heart clenched.

'She's doing this so Taehyung can forgive me?' I questioned, feeling hurt that she never considered me her friend in the first place. Walking away, I entered my room, only to be greeted by a smiling, "V Hyung?" 

"JK, will you forgive me?" He asked for an apology but mind lingered at Jimin's words, "JK?"

"Of course Hyung" I hugged him before we chattered for the next hour.

"You know what, Taeyeon has made me realise a few things in the past couple of days" My heart hurt at her name, "I want to meet Yein, she also deserves an apology and, I finally approve of your relationship" but those words didn't bring a smile to my face, even though I had known about Taehyung's dislike towards Yein.

"Hyung, she will be over tomorrow, I've decided I'll be announcing our relationship to the world, since you probably know about the photo of me and Taeyeon circulating on the media from the day she..." I paused reminiscing the day where she accepted to be my friend.

"Of course, I'm happy for you and thank you for your statement, the court case will be solved in a jiffy" He stood up but before his hands grasped the doorknob he spoke, "you will need to present yourself to the last court hearing which is in a months time, Sejin Hyung said he will forward you the details" I nodded.

My mind was a myriad of questions, lingering at Jimin's words: 'Was I really at fault?'; 'Why was she so self-less' the list carried on. Giving up I let my bed carry the weight of my body before I lost consciousness.

Taeyeon's POV:

Hearing Jimin's words I found myself reminiscing the previous encounters with Jungkook, unknowing I smiled, "No, Jimin I really do consider him my friend, when I'm with him I never think back to the night, when he is happy I find myself smiling, when he's feeling guilty I feel remorse" I paused.


"Jimin, I feel happy when I'm with him, I feel happy when I'm with all of you - you all are the cause of euphoria" I smiled, "Jimin, you know Yoongi was right, I see myself in Jungkook, he likes to hide himself under that mask he wears, he wasn't at fault instead he was a victim and not once did I befriend because of Taehyung"

"Taeyeon you are changing" he spoke the question I had been asking myself for the past few months. 

"But I'm afraid - I'm afraid that I'll hurt myself more by taking off this mask; I'm afraid I won't be able to face any of you, I'm afraid I'll lose you lot" I wept, "I'm afraid Jimin" 


Double update, the story is picking up its pace. And there are some things I feel like I should clarify.

1) You might be thinking there is a sudden change in Taeyeon's behaviour but as you all know she is wearing a mask to hide her feeling which only Jimin can see through. She is trying hard for those feeling to be buried deep down.

2) Taehyung and Yein do have a past which only Taeyeon and Jimin know about but the other members do know he dislikes her. 

So as I'm writing this I think I'm going to have more chapters than planned but the one thing I do know is that I've got an ending planned but I still want an opinion, so comment to choose an ending (spoiler: initially I planned a sad ending)



Hope you enjoyed reading
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy 

Avi xx



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