05 | Guilt

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"She is fine, her pulse is normal, the bleeding has stopped, but why did she do that? a centimetre close to her vein and she could die, she was perhaps panicking so she slit her wrist but it was a good thing it was not her vein"

"Thanks, doctor, she is not well right now, that is probably why she did that, but don't worry I will take care of her."

"It is my job, but take care of her, just call me if you need me I am only down the street, and yes eat healthily and sleep well I don't want to be taking care of you 7 because all you did was practice"

"Don't worry we will be fine" I laughed, he is like family anything happens to any of us we go to him, he takes care of us especially during promotion and our comeback.

But now my responsibility was Taeyeon. I walked into her room where all the members were -even Suga, who would've been asleep by now, "You lot can go to sleep I'm with her, she is fine" I spoke, not letting a tear roll down my cheek, it hurts to see my sister like this.

"But-" Jimin was about to speak but Jin hyung restricted him from doing so, they soon left the room and walked to the edge of the bed, and sat there staring at my sister, how could Dad neglect his responsibilities, that a stranger had to take care of her. Well, my step mum is not a stranger but my actual mum's sister but I never liked her well not at first till.

Till I left the house and found out dad is too busy I would go home at times, of course, it was my house to see how my sister was and our step mum took care of her, so somehow I had some respect for her but I don't know why whenever I see her with my dad I end up not liking her, she doesn't seem how she portrays herself.

I held Taeyeon's hand taking care of her wrist and asked, "Why did you do this?" Even though she can not hear me, I still spoke, "Ever thought about how I will live? Your the only one who I have, please don't leave" The tap of my eyes was turned on, no one could stop these tears, without realising soon my eyes shut and slumber captured me.


After all the member went out Jimin asked Jin why he did that.

"Look he needs time with his sister it is a hard time for his sister and him" Jin replied to the younger one.

"Oh, by the way, Taeyeon was one the news" Suga casually spoke and the other's eyes widened.

"W-what?" Jungkook asked nearly yelling.

"Yes it was about the incident, the police are involved."

"W-why are the police involved?" Jungkook asked somehow the guilt inside him was slowly killing him, after what happened today he thinks he won't ever be able to look at Taeyeon in the eye, she was pretty and was also young and he somehow ruined her life. He can't imagine how she must be feeling.

"Woah Jungkook calm down, it is a case of rape, it is against the law, it is not a joke, the police should be involved and whoever was involved must be punished" J-hope and Jungkook exchanged looks. J-hope was worried for Jungkook it will affect his career but sometimes even the smallest mistakes are big.

"Hey, guys lets just check on them once, Taehyung is trying to hide his feelings but I know he wants to cry, I'm sure he'd be blaming himself for something he hasn't even done" Jin spoke and soon went to check on him, to find Taehyung sleeping, with his head on the side table. J-hope was about to wake him up but stopped when Jin signalled him not to. "Anyway I think we should also go and sleep, good night" Soon all of them left but J-hope and Jungkook stood there looking at each other.

"Jungkook don't worry you didn't do anything right?" He asked even though he was nervous, watching something cruel is just as bad as committing a crime.

"Hyung, but the guilt is real, I'm scared" The younger one revealed.

"What do I do?" J-hope started thinking, "Perfect, I know what you should do, all you need is a break so why not go to Busan for about 2 days, enjoy with your family, take Jimin if you want, until then Taehyung and the rest of us will take care of Taeyeon, and trust me she will be back to normal, regarding the case, the rapists will get punished and I'll make sure of that, I just need their names"


Short chapter how was it? Boring one right, don't worry the story is just starting.

Do want Jungkook to get punished?

Do you think he did anything else rather than just watching it all happen?

Hope you enjoyed reading

Avi xx

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