Chapter 12: Dance With The Devil

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A/N: Too lazy to color the background. Also, I totally didn't purposely title another chapter after a song...I have no idea what you're talking about...

(I couldn't resist, it was stuck in my head.)

"So you're also a student at Akademi High?" Mr. Saikou asked me.

"That's correct. I'm a second year student." I replied, using my sweetest (phony) kind tone.

"Are you apart of any clubs?" Mr. Saikou asked.

"I've been taking kendo lessons for years now, so I'm afraid I don't really have time for clubs." I half lie with a fake smile.

"(Y/N)-san is a very well balanced student. Astonishing memory, excellent combat skills, an efficient strategist, and so much more." Megamo explained to his father.

When the f*ck did I become this bastard's child?! He sounds like a f*cking doting father.

"I see, you have a lot potential for the future (L/N)-san." Mr. Saikou said.

...And this is where I attempt to keep myself from spitting out the sparking summer Limeade I was drinking and laugh like there was no tomorrow.

...Pfft!! Potential for the future! That's a good one! And Ami would give up on yaoi and yuri!

Note to self, stop drinking so much while having a conversation with Mr. Saikou. I think he's a heavyweight, he has had about 3 drinks and yet his speech hasn't even faltered. And I heard someone at a nearby table said that the champagne they served was really strong. I wouldn't know though, since all us minor's were given non alcoholic beverages. It's a shame really, a drunk Megamo would be hilarious.

"Pardon me for the interruption, however someone at the entrance hall wishes to speak to you father." An unfamiliar voice said.

I look at the new face, he had similar features to Mr. Saikou and Megamo. He gave off a really b*tchy vibe though.

I guess what Info-kun said was true. Megamo does have a younger brother. Though from what I've heard, they don't get along too well.

"I'll go right away." Mr. Saikou said, standing up. "I apologize, but we'll have to finish our conversation some other time (L/N)-san."

"That's alright, I know you're very busy." I responded.

About f*cking time.

As soon as Mr. Saikou left, Megamo's brother turned to me and gave a dirty look.

Why am I getting Whitley Schnee vibes from him?

"Are you really going out with my brother?" He asked.

Oh wait, I know exactly why. Ugh, the Saikou family is going drive me up a damn bloody wall!

"Of course she is going out with me! Why? You don't think I handle a relationship?" Megamo taunted.

Okay, first of all, b*tch stop saying weird sh*t when I'm trying to take a drink. Second of all, thanks for the red flag telling me that I'm going be in the middle of your f*cking sibling rivalry. Third of all, GOING OUT WITH YOU!?! WHAT THE F*CK!?! I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU! B*TCH YOU MAY HAVE MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING BUT I CAN STILL FIND WAYS TO KICK YOUR *SS IN THIS DRESS!!!

Okay I'm good...mostly.

It seems that Megamo suddenly went out of character. It obviously has something to do with his sibling rivalry with his brother. But he keeps presenting me to others as his girlfriend. When did this become Nisekoi?!

"I've never seen interested in any female like that before..." Megamo's brother stated, clearly unconvinced. "Are you two really dating ~? Are you able to prove it ~?"

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