Avengers Adoption and Persona 5 Chatroom

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A/N: Spoilers to the MCU. And maybe kinda Persona 5. I mean by now pretty much everyone should know how Infinity War ends, but like I said in the MLB chapter: you never know.

Hope you enjoy.


(Y/N) created a chat.

(Y/N) added Ami, Takumi, and Info-kun.

Chat name changed to WTF Marvel!?!

(Y/N): WTF Marvel!?!

Info-kun: I think you made your point already (Y/N)...

(Y/N): No! No I did not! Cause sh*t just got so f*cking real right now; that I can't even make a dark joke about it!

Takumi: That's a load of bullsh*t and you know it.

(Y/N): You know me too well.


Ami: You motherf*cking b*tch!!!

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Ami: You motherf*cking b*tch!!!

Ami: Leave my poor Spiderson alone already!!!

(Y/N): I needed a dark joke to express my feeling of what the f*ckery to Marvel!

Takumi: Um, why?



Ami: !!!

Ami: Hold up just a second.

Info-kun: You know that things will be fine by the end of this right?

Takumi: And besides, didn't they confirm another Spider-Man movie?

(Y/N): Yeah, but people are saying that Captain America or Iron Man will die and that's no bueno!!!

(Y/N): And the sh*t Chris Evans has been saying is not f*cking helping!!!

Ami: WTF Marvel!?!

Ami: What's with this depressing as hell sh*t?!

Ami: Someone just stab me with a katana already so I can feel something less painful!!

(Y/N): You're too far.

Takumi: My katana is too far.

Ami: F*ck me.

Ami: That's it! I'm adopting all the Avengers.

Ami: And all the Guardians of the Galaxy.

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