Chapter 18: Unbeatable Rival Part 2

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A/N: I finally finished this chapter I've stuck on for forever!

Now I can put in another hundred hours into Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I'm kidding, mostly. I finally preordered the Pokemon dlc so I'll be playing that once it comes out.

But for now, I must do Crimson Flower and Silver Snow! (Plus the dlc)...

...I really hate that I've grown attached to the characters I can't recruit to my party.

Btw, this may or may not have a part 3, idk.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

"Open up Ayato-kun! My arms are full!" I shouted, kicking the door with one of my combat boots.

I'm not joking by the way, I may or may not have went overboard with buying stuff to make cookies.

Look; when someone tells me that they'll pay for whatever I need, I'm gonna take advantage of that.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Ayato shouted back before opening the door. "You're here earlier than expected."

"I'm sleeping over at Ami-chan's house again later so I have to stop by my house again after we're done to make sure Kuroi has everything she needs." I responded. "Now let's go inside to get started."

"Um... What's with all the bags?" Ayato asked, letting me inside.

"Since I bribed Ami-chan with cookies, she agreed to pay for all the things we needed to make cookies." I answered, putting the bags down. "Though we'll have to make triple chocolate chip cookies as well."

Thank god Ami isn't lactose intolerant; that girl loves chocolate more than I love pocky - she's addicted.

"You got someone to buy you stuff with cookies?" Ayato asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"You severely underestimate the power of cookies." I replied. "Cookies have an 85 to 95 percent guarantee to convince a person to do something."

"Really?" Ayato asked.

"Yup! If you're lucky you can even kidnap a person by offering them cookies.*" I explained.

"You can?" Ayato perked up. "Should I be taking notes?"

Why do I get the feeling that my definition of kidnap is very different from his definition of kidnap?

"Let's preheat the oven." I said, changing the subject while moving to the kitchen. "Then we can make the cookie dough."

After spending next 45 minutes showing Ayato how to make (favorite flavor) cookies - and making the triple chocolate chip cookies for Ami - I placed the cookies in oven as Ayato was washing the dishes.

Yup, that's all that happened - totally wasn't eating leftover cookie dough; not me.

Look, if people are going to drink alcohol with raw eggs in it can't I eat cookie dough without a health nut breathing down my neck?! Okay, okay, I know the raw flower is more dangerous but it's not like I ate the whole bowl.

"Now we just have to wait for timer to go off, then we'll take the cookies of the oven to cool." I explained to Ayato.

"Okay." Ayato nodded. "This wasn't as hard as I initially thought it was."

"Cookies are usually the easiest thing to bake." I agreed, digging through one the bags I brought. "Plus, you learned a lot better than Ami-chan and Takumi-kun."

I slightly shuttered at the thought Ami and Takumi's lack of skills in the kitchen. Never again... Not after the pancakes...

Pulling out a box of pocky, some plastic bags, and a roll of ribbon; I sit next to Ayato on a once empty chair.

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