Carmen Sandeago Chatroom

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A/N: Since the next chapter is gonna take a bit longer than expected to finish, I'm just gonna put this here to hopefully tie you over for now.

That being said, this contains spoilers to the Netflix Original cartoon series; Carmen Sandeago (2019). I've never seen the older stuff - old cartoon, video games, game show, etc. - but I really love this version of Carmen. I recommend watching it, it's only 9 episodes long and season 2 is coming out in October.


Ami created a chat.

Ami added (Y/N), Takumi, and Info-kun to the chat.

Chat name changed to Gay for La Femme Rouge.

Ami: Hi! I'm gay.

Takumi: That's not a shock.

(Y/N): ^^

Info-kun: Aren't you bi?

Ami: Same difference.

Info-kun: I'm just going to stop now before I end up regretting my life choices again.

Info-kun: That being said - I'm going to regret this - why are you announcing this to us?

(Y/N): We just binge watched an entire season of this semi new cartoon.

Info-kun: A cartoon. Not an anime?

Takumi: Yes, you read that correctly.

(Y/N): I can see the math equations forming in his head all the way from over here.

Info-kun: The world is ending.

Takumi: But Miraculous Ladybug is also a cartoon.

Info-kun: With anime elements in it! It's already terrifying enough that she ships a straight couple in that show!!

(Y/N): I thought we agreed that we wouldn't bring that up!

Ami: I mean, I wish I could date Marinette; but you know - reality.

Ami: Anyways, I've fallen in love with another fictional female!

Takumi: That's still not a shock.

(Y/N): Really, that's just a given for being a fangirl/boy. Falling in love with a fictional character is guaranteed.

Ami: She's gorgeous and bad*ss at the same time!

(Y/N): That I have to agree with. Though might be because I love girls who can kick *ss.

Takumi: Well I mean, neither one of you are wrong...

Info-kun: I just walked into a cult... Again...

Ami: Don't judge me! You don't see me judging your life choices!

Info-kun: Didn't you call me a neet the other day?

Ami: DiDn'T yOu CaLl Me A nEeT tHe OtHeR dAy?!

Ami: That's besides the point.



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