Chapter 15: Outsider's Perspective

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A/N: This is just a rough sketch, I've haven't been able to color anything in awhile.

And now a certain fandom is going to spam this chapter with comments about it... Or maybe not, I don't know. I've seen people make comments about fandoms I've never even referenced in this story before so you know...

Anyways, onto the story!


Akademi High School...

On the surface it's seems like your ordinary Japanese school; a private school for the rich and smart, but for the most part - pretty ordinary.

However this isn't entirely true, for there is one factor in Akademi that isn't ordinary:

The students.

...At least, in Oko's opinion it was.

There were rarely any students at this school that no one knew nothing about. Even if it was one small rumor, there was more than likely some sort of information on someone.

Even Oko himself had some rumors about him. Which made sense, seeing as he was the Occult Club leader. He was a person who believed in supernatural, going as far as to seek out any paranormal activity disguised as ordinary high school students. Of course, this activity tended to give others the wrong idea - making him come of as a creepy stalker. Not that it mattered to him, it just meant that people left him alone while he did his investigations. Sure it seemed lonely at first, but that feeling quickly went away as he made friends with his fellow club members.

Though if he was being completely honest, Oko kinda wished he could become friends with two other students in particular; Ayato Aishi and (Y/N) (L/N).

Ayato Aishi reminded him of himself; quiet and easily dismissed by others. People constantly ignored him as he continued to spend his days all alone; not a single emotion cast upon his blank face. Oko always wondered what were to happen if Ayato had a friend... Perhaps he would finally show some emotion? Who knows...

Now the case with (Y/N) (L/N) was a bit different.

When the (h/c)ette first became a student at Akademi, she was pretty quiet - not shy, but she usually kept to herself. People first started paying attention to her as soon as she stopped some guy from cheating the student council president polls. That seemed to raise her popularity

And then of course came the whole matchmaking thing...

It practicality came out of nowhere. (Y/N) helps 2 or 3 people with their relationship problems and suddenly she's some sort of matchmaking goddess.

Miss Matchmaker Ai-chan; that's what everyone called her. Even Oko himself called the (h/c)ette that until she insisted that he call her (Y/N)-chan.

And the thing is, (Y/N) is actually really good at matchmaking people. There has yet to be a single person that came to her that she couldn't matchmake. It was like she was Cupid in disguise.

At first he considered asking the matchmaker to help him with his "crush," but he considered it a waste of time.

For starters, Oko wasn't even entirely sure if the feelings he felt for Taeko Yamada could even be considered to be love. Sure love at first sight was a thing, but it happened way too fast. He's not even sure why he likes her, perhaps she really did cast a hex on him.

Plus, it seems that Ayato has a huge crush Taeko Yamada. The emotionless male keeps making an effort to hang out with her; he even seemed to have asked (Y/N) for her assistance. And from the looks of it, the (h/c) haired female seemed to have trouble saying no to a matchmaking request. He may not be friends with Ayato or (Y/N), but he still couldn't do that to them.

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