Chapter 19: Falling in love

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Kevin's POV

"Now will you tell me why did we came back in the hospital instead of going home" I asked irritated with her silence now.

"Shhh" she replied placing her index finger on her lips indicating me to keep quiet.

God! She looks so cute while doing that.

Ugh just shut up Kevin what the hell are you thinking, it's not time to praise her cuteness, I kinda scolded myself.

"Come here" she said taking me to a hospital ward, where led a boy about four five years old on the bed and just beside her sat a lady on a stool staring at the boy.

"Who are they" I asked but I guess my voice was too loud considering the sleeping little boy as I instantly gained a glare from Ash and the lady. And that was when I noticed that the lady is looking so familiar.

I tried hard to remember that where have I possibly seen her and then it hit me that she's from our neighborhood.

"Actually she is our neighbor and it was a coincidence that she was in the same store where I went to buy a gift for Kelly's birthday and when they both were leaving her son suddenly run towards the road to catch his ball and then unfortunately a car hit him" Ash said keeping her eyes on the boy.

"It was as if she was not in her senses anymore after seeing her son in that condition, she was just crying and crying so I rushed to the near by hospital with both of them because he needed treatment as soon as possible and did all the paper formalities" she took a pause.

So the maid was talking about this boy's accident. Shit I'm feeling so stupid right now I should have just listened to the full thing the maid was trying to say. I sighed thinking that all this time I worried to death about nothing.

But I'm also thankful to God that nothing bad happened to my Ash.

"But now he is fine and his mother has calmed down too" she continued with a wide smile on her face.

She walked towards the boy as he gained his consciousness.

"Hey buddy how are you feeling now" Ash asked softly as the boy whispered something to her.

"No it's just a little fracture, you'll be playing around again soon" she said "Now come on give me a big smile" she added tickling him as she herself started laughing along with him.

I can't help but just stand there and gaze at her as my lips twitched up into a bright smile. A warm feeling of content and happiness spread across my heart seeing her laughing wholeheartedly with the boy. She'll definitely make a great mother, our baby will be so lucky to have a mother like her who doesn't thinks twice before helping others even if she doesn't knows them well.

"Ashley thanks for helping me, I don't know what happened to me but I was just not in my right mind to think and take him to the hospital after seeing him in that condition" the lady thanked Ash.

"No it's okay and yes you went completely blank but that's what shows how much you love your son, it was just your fear of probably losing him" Ash replied with that cute smile of hers before saying bye to both of them and walking towards me.

"What" she asked when she caught me staring at her as we walked out.

"Nothing can't I look at my wife" I teased as she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Ash at least you should have informed me, I was so worried about you" I said driving towards home as she sat beside me.

"You were worried about me" she asked in a whisper, it sounded more like she was saying that to herself.

"Yeah...I mean of course I was" I replied clearing my throat before an awkward silence took place between us.

"But I told Linda to tell you that I'm at the hospital and I'll be home by evening" she said after a moment breaking the silence.

I guess Linda is that maid's name.

Wait now I have to tell her about my stupidity I know she'll definitely laugh at me, I thought as my mind went back to her question.

I tried to avoid answering her but she kept insisting so I eventually told her everything.

"Oh my god Kevin you act so stupid sometimes" she said after hearing me while laughing her heart out.

"Hey I just told you that I was so worried and all I could think about was you and our baby at that moment" I confessed unknowingly as a small smile replaced her laughter.

She kept looking at me with an unknown emotion in her eyes that I have never seen before as our eyes locked but soon our eyelock broke as the traffic cleared and I started driving again.

After a while she bursted out laughing again. I like hearing her laugh like that it's like a music to my ears.

What's happening with me suddenly?

"Okay now stop laughing I know I can be a little stupid at times" I said trying to keep a straight face but I couldn't help but join her in her laughing session.

The thing she said about love to that lady in the hospital kept lingering in my head for the rest of the ride home. That lady was scared of losing her son because of course she loves him.

I was scared too and worried to death when I came to know that Ash is missing and met with an accident and probably I'll never get to see her again.

What does this mean?

Stop acting like you don't know what all this means...stop acting like you don't know what Ash means to you, my subconscious interrupted my thoughts.

I sighed in defeat.


'Love' is the word I have been trying to avoid since past few days because somewhere deep down in my heart I was already aware of what my subconscious just told me.

I do know that I was just trying to deny it.

But now I'm just tired of hiding and denying my feelings for her.

How can I deny my feelings when I look into her hazel eyes and suddenly everything else fades away and all I wanna see is her...just can I deny my feelings when she keeps giving me that beautiful smile of hers, who'll not fall for that smile...who'll be able to stop themselves from falling for you when they get to know you Ash...when they see that your heart is even more beautiful then your face.

Soon the car came to an halt and so did my thoughts.

"Are you planning on staying in the car entire night" I looked at her as she spoke.

"You go inside I'll be right behind you...just need to make some calls" I replied and then kept staring at her retreating figure.

I sighed again closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the seat.

"It's so hard to not fall for you's so hard to act just like a friend when I know that I feel something more for you" I whispered to myself.

Then unknowingly those words escaped from my lips which I badly wanted to confess to my wife.

"I love you Ash."


Hey guys,

So Kevin finally accepted his feelings for his sweet wife.

What do you think about it?


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Until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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