Chapter 44: Unexpected Secrets

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Kevin's POV

It's been a few days since we came back to LA and also since Ashley confessed her feelings to me and speaking of which, I don't know what to think anymore...I mean yes I'm more than happy about it because that's all I ever wanted...her love but I'm also confused because she seemed so mad at me when we met again at the hospital after months and also she fled town because of me so of course there has to be a strong reason behind it...for leaving me.

I wanted to ask her the real reason why she left me but she opened up to me after so long and her love and acceptance were the only things I craved all these months and now that I have finally got that I just couldn't do or say anything that would upset her or that would hurt her in any way...I just didn't want to push her too much and that's the reason I didn't ask her anything about leaving me and all that.

I'll give her all the time that she needs and I hope that one day she'll trust me enough to tell me everything...that she'll be comfortable in telling me her greatest fears...her insecurities so I'm just gonna wait for that day and until than I'll keep all my questions to myself.

So apart from me not knowing what Ash is keeping from me, everything is going pretty much great in both of our lives right now...I mean I got what I wanted and also Ashley got what she wanted and that's her family's love and forgiveness.

Yes, her parents forgive was two days ago when uncle James finally came back home from the hospital. At first both Ash and I thought that he had no idea that his daughter was back but when uncle James asked to see Ash, the first thing when he got home...we were both surprised but later we came to know that her mom told uncle James about her coming back home.

And the look on uncle James face when he got back home, was worth seeing I mean it was pure eagerness to see his daughter after so long and he seemed more than happy when he saw her and their eyes were moist when they hugged each other so we just left them alone to catch up or maybe just to sort things out.

It surprised me at first that her father wasn't mad at her at all...he was just too happy to get his daughter back to hold any grudges against her.

I know I'm not a father yet but I can understand why he wasn't mad at her...because if some day my child does any big or even small mistake I think I'll just forgive him or her because when you love someone so dearly you just can't be upset with them for too matter what you'll always see past their mistakes.

Seeing Ash and her father together like that...bonding as a father and daughter made me wish so bad to have a little princess of my own too and I guess I'll have to wait for Ashley's next appointment with her doctor to find out if we are having a baby girl or boy and the appointment was supposed to be today morning but since we are still in LA so obviously we couldn't make it but I called Ash's old doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow morning.

And to say that I'm excited would probably be an understatement. 

"Kevin" I snapped back to reality upon hearing my name being called out.

"Yes...were you saying something" I asked uncle James as I realized he was the one calling me.

"Yes I have been talking to you but you seemed lost somewhere" He replied.

"And Ashley is sitting right in front of you so in whose thoughts are you lost" We all turned our heads to the source of the voice, only to see Kelly walking towards us in the dining room.

"Kelly" I said with a smile as she walked towards me giving me a friendly hug.

"So I heard from Emily that things are finally fine between the two of you" She said in a low voice glancing back at Ashley.

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