Chapter 28: Fake smiles

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Kevin's POV

Four months later.


"Sir...Mr. Diaz"

"Yes Jenna I heard you the first time but let me remind you that I asked you not to disturb me for sometime" I said calmly with my eyes still closed and head leaning against my chair.

"Yes Mr. Diaz I do remember your instructions but it's urgent" Jenna replied as I sighed opening my eyes because I know what this 'urgent' thing might be.

"What is it" I asked.

"Sir it's your dad he called for the fifth time and Mrs. Lewis also called a couple of times now...I think you should call..." She replied but stopped as I interrupted her.

"Okay you may leave now" I said politely though.

"Sure" she murmured nodding her head before leaving.

"God! Why can't just people leave me alone for a while" I murmured to myself before picking my phone from the table and calling Emily as she quickly picked up on the second ring.

"Kevin! Where are you...I went to your place but the maids told me that you haven't been there since like almost a week now" she said with concern lacing through her words.

"Yeah I just...I was on a business trip since last few days and than I directly came to my office you know there's a lot of work pressure and..." I replied but was interrupted by her.

"Kevin, dear you don't have to lie to me I know you since you were a little kid, you are like a son to me. I know what's troubling you and I also know why you are keeping yourself so busy in work" she said but than suddenly sighed and paused.

"I just don't know how can my own daughter be so stupid to leave you...I don't know what was going through her head at that time but all I can say is that it's her loss. I can tell how much you love her...she can never find a better person than you. But son there are other people too who truly love you and care for you, your dad is worried about you...we all are so please come home tonight for dinner, your dad will be there too...he'll be happy to see his son" she continued and I can tell that she was trying to hold herself from crying and that made me feel kind of guilty because I haven't seen any of my family members since like two months or maybe even more I don't remember. Yeah I have talked to them on phone a few times but nothing more than that.

"Yeah I-I'll be there and don't worry too much about me I'm really fine" I replied before quickly hanging up.

I'm fine.

That's the biggest lie I have been telling since four people who ask me how I'm doing and also to myself.

I know I have been hurting the people who truly care for me...but I just don't know what else to do. I can't have family lunches and dinners with them and pretend like I'm all everything's fine...because nothing is really fine.

Nothing will ever be fine until I find her and bring her back...I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back. And even if she doesn't wants to come back than I won't hesitate to drag her back into our lives...into my life.

But at this moment I should be worried about this dinner and trust me I'm because again there will be questions like where have you been, forget her, forget whatever happened blah blah blah.

But anyways I have to go because I just can't keep hurting my own family just because my own life is messed up at this moment.

I have to face everyone some day so I'll just go to this damn dinner and get it over with as soon as possible.

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