Part-10 (SHOCK)

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Curtain rises!!!

It was a boring day. I was really a clock watcher. And I was just thinking about the meeting. What would be her reaction? Will she say yes? Will she say no? I really dk.

Finally!! The classes were over. I ran towards the cafeteria. And I was just waiting for her to come. That I could grab her. And to take her to pizza hut. I was just calling pizza hut staff that whether the plan is on? And they said yes. I was just waiting for Zelina to come.

Where is she? Why had she not arrived? I was finding Alisha. She wasn't present that day. Where the Fuck is Nia? Goodness me she is also not present. I asked everyone in her class where is Nia and Zelina? They all ignored me.

Enough of it. I cant take it anymore. I am going to her home. When I went to her home, she was not there also. I asked her uncle and said to him that I was her classmate. He said she left for college long back. What the fuck?!!! Where is she??!!

I called Finn and asked him that where is Nia? He said he doesn't have any idea about it and even he is worried. What on earth? Where are those 2 nincompoops been?

I went to drawing extra classes. But she was not present. I went to the market she was not present. I am trying to call her, its switched off!!!

What the fuck is happening in my life. For the first time I loved a girl. And now where is she? I asked Finn to call Nia and it was off.

I called Alisha. She said she is out of town for a family get together. I asked Daisy(Finn's sister) to visit Nia's residence. And her parents are also worried. The will be filing a missing report after 2 hours.

Where is she? Where have she been. I came tired to my home. My mom was sick. So I had to take her hospital and she was suffering from cold.

I brought my mom home. And gave her dinner. And the tablets. Those tablets contains some intoxication that the patient would sleep. Till then I was just wondering where have she been!!!

Did she ran away with someone? Did she committed suicide because of her family torture? Did she ran away to start a new life? Stupid thoughts were in my minds for many hours.

My head was blasting inside. Idk what should I do. I didnt wanted to sleep. But I was soo tired that when I laid on the bed I dozed off!!

It was 4:30am in the morning. And I wanted to attend my nature's call. After attending it. My phone rang!!!!
What the fuck!!! Why at 4:30!!??? Who it might be?

The conversation is about ti happened

"Unknown: Hahahahaha
Zach: What the fuck you son of a bitch. You are calling me soo early in the morning. Dont you have a wife. Cuddle with her and sleep.
Unknown: Yes I do!! But what about these 2 hotties.
Zach: Who?
Unknown: Their voices might be familiar!!
Hello Zach!! Bro please. Where are you. Zach please help us. Save us. Bro help me bro please help us!!!
Zach: This is Zelina and Nia!!! He abducted them?

Curtain falls!!!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!! And I hope you will be excited about the next chapter!! Comment down below. Whats gonna happen in the next chapter!!

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