:A Proscriptive Relationship: 29

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"Are you hungry?"

I glanced at Jeremy, who was looking at me from the corner of his eye. I shook my head, shifting in my seat. I stifled a yawn, turning to look out the window again. It was night already, and I could barely make out blurred objects as we drove by them.

"It's hard to believe it's almost October, huh."

"I'll say," I responded. "It feels like a years gone by in such a short amount of time."

"Well a lot has been going on. Isn't your class trip tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah!" I sat up straighter, shock passing my face. "I haven't even packed or asked my mom for money yet!"

"I wish I could go," Jeremy said with a sigh. "I want to go to the beach while the weather is still okay..."

"To be honest, I don't know why we are going in October since it's been chilly lately, but it's supposed to be warm tomorrow. Why don't you just come down for fun?" I suggested.

"Can't. I've got to watch my sisters," Jeremy responded, his eyes on the road.

"You have sisters?"


"How old?"

"I have a thirteen year old sister, and a seven year old sister," he told me, smiling slightly. "They're cute. You'll have to meet them sometime."

"Sure," I responded, smiling too now.

We lapsed back into silence as we entered the downtown area. As we passed the grocery store, I vaguely wondered if Lance was working. I sighed softly. I wanted a job too.

Jeremy pulled into my driveway and I unbuckled myself, grabbing my backpack from the floor. He turned to me and smirked slightly.

"Get a wipe out of the glove and wipe your face," he suggested. "It's bloody from where you got cut."

I sucked in a quick breath. Good thing Jeremy had caught that, because I wouldn't have remembered. I quickly opened the glove compartment fished around until I grabbed a wipe. I tore open the package and pulled down the visor. To my dismay, there was no mirror.

"Let me do it," Jeremy offered.

I nodded and handed him the wipe. He grabbed my head and turned it towards him, and gently began to wipe of my cheek. I hissed slightly.

"Why does it hurt?"

"It's got disinfectant," he responded, wiping my cheek a little more roughly now. "My sisters fall down a lot, so I have these things handy."

"Oh," I responded, wincing as my cheek throbbed.

When he was done, Jeremy chucked the dirty wipe into the back seat and turned to me once more. "Well it's been an interesting day," he commented. "Will Chris being hearing about this?"

"No way," I responded quickly, shaking my head. "I think he might kill me if he found out I got involved with gangsters again... especially if it's the leader."

Jeremy chuckled. "Good point. Have a good night, kiddo. Have fun at the beach tomorrow too."

"I'll try," I responded with a small smile. "Tell your sisters I said hi."


I climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me. I waved to Jeremy before heading towards the house. I could barely make out anything in front of me due to the darkness. Had Jeremy and I really been gone that long?

Out of habit, I tested the door handle while reaching for my key with my other hand. I blinked in shock when I found the door open. I pushed it open slowly, frowning. Was my mom home early?

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