Chapter 4.....

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IN GYM~~~~~

"So today, we literally have to play basketball" i said to Nstausha putting on my gym clothes. "Ugh" Nstausha groaned.  We both walked out the dressing room to the court where the rest of the girls were.

"Do.......Do i see the boys from earlier on the bench?" Nstausha asked. I looked to where she was looking and took a deep, hard sigh. Nstausha shook her head. "Well here we go" she said.

Me and Nstausha got into position. The coachblew on his whistle and threw the ball in the air. A girl caught it and dribbled down the court. I ran in front of the girl, trying to block her from shooting the goal.

She threw the ball towards the goal, but i jumped up and caught it and tried to shoot.

I missed.

"LAME!" I heard Chresanto call from the bench. I put my hands on my knees and breathed in and out.

I swear this shit is tiring!

A girl caught the ball and dribbled to the other side of the court. I followed close behind. The girl tried to shoot but missed and one of my team mates caught it. They threw it to me. I dribbled down the court to the goal, avoiding the blockers in my way. I jumped up and tried to shoot the goal but i felt a pair of hands pull me to the ground. I fell on my butt.

The coach blew on his whistle." FOUL!" He yelled. "No pulling people down Tanisha!"

"oops. I forgot coach! Sorry!" she said looking at me and laughing. I groaned. Nstausha ran over to me and helped me up. "You okay?" she asked. i nodded.

"Alright! The boys are next! Girls, you can rest>" the couch said. Nstausha walked with me to the bench.

As we walked Chresanto and his crew walked up to us. "Lames!!" He said laughing. "yall suck" Jacob said. "Watch the pros do this. Maybe yall can learn from us".

Nstausha looked at me. "Lets go....we're wasting our time minding these dick heads" Nstausha said pulling me by the arm, walking to the bench.

We sat down at the bench. "Those boys are assholes" Nstausha said. "True dat." I said nodding fast. i sighed.

All of a sudden, i could see the ball flying towards me. I squealed and ducked.

The ball hit the wall. "Oops" i heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Chresanto walking towards me.

"Sorry about that.......NOT!" He said laughing and getting the ball. He walked to the court and started playing again.

Nstausha looked at me. "That boy needa get slapped" She said. i clenched my fists. "I wanna do it now....but he's not worth it" i said.

I felt a sharp pain in my butt. "OOWW!" I squealed. "Whats wrong?" Nstausha asked, looking at me.

"Excuse me for a second" i said getting up and running to the dressing room. I looked around to see if anyone was in here.


I let out a scream and held my butt. I jumped around until the pain went away. "whew!" i said. I walked out and sat back on the bench by Nstausha. I smiled.



"Alright class! Remember to work on your homework tonight!" The teacher said, passing out the homework sheets. I took mine and put it in my book bag.

The bell ringed. "Alright! Class dismissed!"

I got up and Nstausha walked over to me. " what bus do you ride?" she asked. "Oh me?...i ride 34-5" i said. "Crap. I ride 23-7" she said. "Well thats the only thing we dont have together" i said. Nstausha laughed. "True' she said. "Well, imma go. See you tomorrow!" she said waving. "Bye" i said waving.  I got out and walked to my bus.

I sighed. Here we go.

I stepped inside the bus and sat at the front seat, not even paying attention to the people behind me..

"AYE! AYE NICOLE!" I heard someone yell to me.  I ignored the voice and looked straight forward.

"Aye!! " the person yelled again. I didnt say a word. I felt someone plop next to me. "i know you hear me". The person turned me around. Rayan looked at me. I jerked away from his grip. "dont touch me!" i yelled in his face.

"Well damn!" Rayan said. "Ratchet girl gettin buck". I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Lemme see what you got in yo bag" Rayan said snatching my book bag. "Hey! Give that back!" i yelled. "Nope" rayan said, keeping it from my distance. I tried to reach for it but he held it too far away.

Rayan opened up my bag. "ooo! a book" he said opening it. "Give. It .BACK!" I yelled.

The bus was getting close to my house. "OOO! Is this an auditioning sheet?" rayan asked pulling out the red paper. "HEY! Put that back in there" i yelled trying to reach for it.

The bus all of a sudden stopped and ray let go of the paper and it flew out the window. "UGH!" I yelled. I snatched my book bag from him and put my stuff back in it and ran off the bus.

When the bus left, i walked across the street to get the paper.

Beep Beeeeep!!

A car sped past me honking its horn. I squealed and jumped back. I was breathing hard.


It was ripped into pieces on the ground. I ran over to it and picked it up.

"UGGGGH!" I screamed. I Stood up and ran to the house and unlocked the door. I ran in and went straight to my room, Not even stopping to talk to Tyler Or Dianna.


I collapsed on my bed, closing my eyes.

I got up and opened my book bag and took out the homework we were supposed to do. In my rolling chair and scooted up to my desk. I put the book on the top and started to read.


Man this is boring AF! I took my arm and scooted the homework off the desk, making it fall to the floor.

"Why'd you do that?" i heard a voice say behind me. I jumped and  fell out the chair.'Tyler you scared me!" i said getting up. "Sorry.....but why'd you make your homework fall on the floor?" Tyler asked.

" I ......didnt feel like doing it" i said, walking to my bed and falling on it. "Oh....well dinner's ready" he said walking out the door.

I sighed and stayed where i was.

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