Chapter 1

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Kira put her hand against the Dragon's chest and pushed her up, separating their lips causing the dragon to groan.

"Why stop now? Are you alright?" The dragon questioned, a look of both annoyance and worry crossing her face.

Kira had brownish, blonde hair, and the signature Nightshade silver eyes. Eyes that told all others that she was the direct descendant of the mother of vampires. But that didn't mean she was a monster.

"I'm... I'm not ready." Kira answered. Her free hand clutched the blankets below her before pulling them over her lap as Nokiya leaned back, sitting beside the vampire and studying her cautiously. Kira sat up, holding the blanket close, not wanting to meet her lover's gaze.

"I'm not your mate huh?" Nokiya noted.

Kira answered only by looking up at the dragon with nothing but guilt in her eyes.

Nokiya had a much brighter shade of blonde hair. Hair that was so bright it nearly looked gold. Her eyes were multicolored with the left eye being green and her right eye being a bright electric blue. To most people, her eyes were intimidating, but to the vampire, who's eyes were just as unusual, they were simply Nokiya's.

Nokiya sighed deeply. "Why is it that vampires can always tell? Why do us Dragon's have to guess?"

"I don't know." Kira answered. "I wish I could give you a better answer."

"You're the only thing that takes the pain away Kira... I don't want to give you up yet." Nokiya answered.

"I'll never abandon you Nokiya. My mate has yet to be born, I just don't want..." Kira stopped herself from talking before she said something foolish.

"You want to be pure for when you find them." Nokiya nodded.

"Exactly." Kira nodded. "I just wish I didn't have such bad news for you today of all days."

Nokiya shook her head. "You had to tell me eventually. I thought I could get lucky on your birthday, but I pushed too hard."

"I'm just grateful your understanding." Kira admitted, taking Nokiya's hands gently. "I have another thing I wanted to tell you. Amy had seen your sister."

"Akiya? Is she alright?"

"She's fine. Healthy as can be. And she will be returning to you. She estimates only another few hundred years. You'll have her back Nokiya, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that." Nokiya smiled brightly, then lowered her head sadly. "I'm going to go Kira. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright. Have a good night... and Nokiya?"

The dragon stopped at the door, looking over her shoulder.

"Thank you for trying to celebrate today with me... even if I ruined it..."

Nokiya laughed. "It's your birthday. Not mine. Speaking of, happy birthday."

With that the dragon left, leaving Kira to her own devices. The vampire waited a minute or so before heading out, standing on a balcony overlooking the fields above the river. She jumped over the railing, ran down the hillside, and lept over the river, sprinting into the forest as fast as she could, with tears streaming down her face.

She stopped only to fall to her knees, and let out a pitiful whine. She stayed in the forest for several hours, before heavy footsteps caught her attention.

She spun around to see a brunette woman, clearly in labor stumble through the brush. Her face and arms were cut and bruised, and blood stained her pants.

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now