Chapter 39

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Alison watched from the window above the garden as the Fairy sitting beside Alice blew a bit of dust into her face before taking her arms and pulling her into the water before them. Kira made her way over to her wolf and smiled down at the sight below them.

"Lillian won't let Alice brood if she's going to do it in her garden." Kira explained.

"Lillian owns the garden? I was under the impression it belonged to your mother." Alison rolled her eyes.

"That fairy leads those in the garden. She makes sure everyone is pulling their own weight. It's her idea to have these fairy parties."

"So why did she blow dust into Alice's face?" Alison asked, before pausing as she noticed that the once broody vampire was now grinning and smiling happily as she danced with those around her. "Is she drugged?"

"Fairy dust makes other races a bit dizzy, but it also drains them of all their negativity. Alice will have all her sadness and anger stripped from her. She was probably trying to convince Lillian that she had some all important task before the Fairy just got bored of it. You don't try and brood during a Fairy Party."

"Do you want to go down there and join them?" Alison questioned, now watching Kira.

The vampire's thoughts went rampent, trying to find an excuse not to go, but she couldn't find one that she seemed to want to use. She didn't want to have her mind clouded by the dust, so she didn't want to be anywhere near it. But she also wouldn't mind relaxing and letting go a bit, so she kind of wanted to go anyway.

"We don't have to go Kira. I was just asking." Alison smiled softly, listening to her girlfriend's inner conflict.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. I like my mind being clear, so I think I'll stay here for now." The vampire answered.

They continued to watch the garden for a bit longer, smiling when Sarah came in to check on Alice only for the Fairies to try and get her to join them as well. The mage put up a good fight, nearly managing to escape before dust was thrown on her, and within a few seconds she and Alice were dancing together like they were best friends.

Alison couldn't help but smile a the sight before them. Was this the Fairy's intention the whole time? Was this what they wanted? Did they want them to become a couple sooner rather than later?

The wolf took Kira's hand without thinking as the two of them watched Sarah and Alice with soft smiles on their faces. They were speaking to each other and smiling like idiots, like both of them were exactly where they wanted to be in that moment.

"Does it make you act on how you really feel?"

"It removes negativity. So even if they hated each other they would still act like that to each other." Kira explained. "But I know for certain that they don't hate each other. Alice hates herself and Sarah is slowly opening up to her."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"It might take a while, but they'll be together, as they're meant to."

"Like us?"

"Like us." Kira smiled softly, giving Alison a soft nudge with her shoulder as she did. "I'm excited for whatever comes next."


"I have you back and Alice will be able to experience the same happiness I have." The vampire's smile was genuine, and in her own heart Alison knew that there was no place that Kira would rather be than right here and right now. Seeing her neice smiling and joyful while she herself finally had what she wanted after all this time.

"It's good to see you so happy. I was starting to wonder if you were always going to be broody." The wolf chuckled.

"It may be on and off. But in this moment I couldn't be happier." Kira explained, rubbing her head into Alison's shoulder a bit.

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