Chapter 19

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Even after being awake, Alison's body still felt like she was dying. She was constantly drifting in and out of consciousness, and her dreams were blending together in odd amalgamations of her memories with Kira and her snuggling and kissing. Honestly she found it hard to determine what was real or what was a dream, and she wasn't sure if they were actually dreams, or memories.

She woke up at one point with Kira laying beside her. The vampire's hands were gently ghosting over her skin. Her hand was under the wolf's shirt, tracing circles on her stomach like she was deep in thought.

"Kira." Alison called, touching Kira's arm gently. "Are you awake?"


"Can you get me some water please?"

"Of course." Kira smiled softly and gave Alison a quick kiss before standing up and heading out of the room. She returned a few minutes later finding Alison sitting against the headboard so she was actually sitting up. Kira sat on the bed beside her and handed her the glass.

Alison took the glass in her shaking hands and sipped it. "How long do you think I'll be like this?" The wolf asked.

"I'm not sure." Kira admitted. "Usually it takes a week or so, but you woke up a few days later. Your body might still be changing."

"If it takes a week how would I actually survive?"

"My blood would basically halt your body's functions for a while. You wouldn't need to eat or drink, so you wouldn't have to use the bathroom. But that's why they usually feel very ill when they actually wake up." Kira explained. "But you're sort of caught between the two, since you're awake, but also still sick."

"I guess." Alison sighed. "But I'm not enjoying this."

"Some humans don't survive the process." The vampire shrugged. "It'll wear off soon."

"I know." Alison yawned. "It's still a really shitty feeling."

"I know it is." Kira cringed.

Alison blinked at her a bit. "So we're linked now?"

"Indeed." Kira nodded with a smile. "Unfortunately I have to feel your unpleasantness."

"Is that all?"

"You can hear my thoughts now can't you?"

"Uh... Technically. But I'm too tired to try and focus on it." The wolf admitted.

It shouldn't be that hard to just listen.

"Well it kind of is... wait..." Alison groaned. "Your mouth didn't move."

It did not.

"Alright, I get it. I can hear your brain."

It's not quite intentional. You hear my thoughts before I put them to words. If I speak it'll be like an echo.

"But you were talking before and there was no echo." Alison noted.

"It's something you'll have to get used to." Sure enough Alison could hear Kira's voice whispering in the back of her thoughts.

"Don't werewolves have pack links too?" Alison asked.

"Werewolves set their pack links up differently. It takes a few hours to set up, but it becomes permanent. Usually only Alphas and their Beta's use their links."

"Well, I'm an Alpha. And Veronica is basically my Beta."

"You pick her over the boys?"

"Well they can't shoot lightning from their fingertips."

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