Chapter 3

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Alison stepped over a fallen tree, careful not to make any noise to alert the stag standing just beyond the brush. She readied her bow notching an arrow, and readying herself for the kill.

Kill it! Rip it apart!


Alison swallowed, trying her best to focus on aiming her bow, and not miss.

The deer raised its head, looking around calmly, not suspecting anything was wrong in the slightest.

Her hands were starting to tremble as the voice in her head became more aggressive. Instead of firing the arrow, she slowly lowered her bow, trying not to allow the string easing to make any noise before taking a deep breath.

The deer's ears raised quickly and it froze, looking off somewhere to Alison's right before leaping off and into the brush.

Alison didn't even react when Kira knelt beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" The vampire asked.

"This is getting stupid." Alison answered. "I don't want to be angry, or a killer."

"You're not a killer. It's just a deer. It's not as though it was a human." Kira explained. "Your wolf just wants you to hunt. If you start listening to it when it asks you to hunt animals, I'm sure it will make it easier on you."

Alison leaned back with a grumble, sitting on the log she had stepped over and Kira sat beside her. "What do you know about a wolf anyway? You're a vampire, not a werewolf." Alison snapped.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a voice in my head to reason with. Instead my body just does things sometimes, and it doesn't always give me a warning. If not for Zoe, I probably wouldn't be able to do a lot of things with you. I wouldn't have been able to help Luna when she was giving birth, that's for sure."

"You keep saying that, but I never even see you slip up." Alison rolled her eyes. "You're so perfect it's not even funny."

Kira cracked a small smile, pulling the child towards her and resting her chin a top the girl's head. "I'm afraid that's not entirely true. I've made quite a few mistakes, and hurt a lot of people... one I cared about more than anyone else..."

Alison paused then looked up at her guardian. "You never hurt me before." She noted.

Kira chuckled, getting Alison to smile softly. "You are without a doubt my most favorite thing in this world. But this was before I met you. I used to be very close to a woman in the nearby village. Her name was Melissa, and she loved the violin, and always wanted me to play it. I was younger then, and I ended up suffering after a while. Vampires gain their instincts when they get older, and those instincts are impossible to resist once they happen."

"What do you mean impossible?" Alison questioned.

"I mean impossible." Kira sighed, moved away from Alison, turning her back from the child before looking down at her hands like there was something there that only she could see. "I really loved her... and I will always regret not listening to my mother and staying away from her until my Awakening had past. But Melissa was too much of a lure and I couldn't help myself. I wanted to stay near her. I should have listened..."

"What... what happened?" Alison asked, curiosity betraying her.

"I killed her." Kira answered.

"You... killed her...?"

Kira clenched her fists and shut her eyes tightly. "I put my hands around her neck and strangled the woman. I watched the life drain slowly from her face. I loved her so much and I killed her without even thinking about it before sinking my teeth into her. It was like... I became someone else and didn't even care about my actions. I just wanted her blood. I'll never forgive myself for it, and I can't trust myself that it'll never happen again."

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