Chapter 40

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Alison and Kira left the kitchens a short while later. They stayed and spoke with Bells and Kat for what seemed like an hour before Kira decided they should be allowed to finish what they were doing. They ended up walking down the hallways for a while, with Kira pointing out certain rooms. They didn't really have a goal in mind, so the castle wasn't twisting and turning for them.

At some point they ended up infront of what Alison could only assume to be Rose's room. Considering the huge rose pattern engraved on the door itself. The thorny brambles grew from the base of the door all the way to the top with roses growing out almost randomly. It looked like great care went into carving the pattern, and Alison couldn't help but be impressed.

"You're going to want to see this." Kira noted, before opening the door with a grin. Alison's jaw probably hit the ground when she looked into the room. It was dimly lit, but they could both see clearly in the dark. The room was very large, being a perfectly round room rather than a cube like all the others. Alison honestly couldn't tell how big the room was because of all the plant life blocking the walls themselves from view.

Kira pushed her in, and Alison found herself following a stone path deeper into the room. After taking a few steps, some of the small bushes and trees came to life, with dark green glows eminating from the bodies of the Spriggans that were now watching them enter. The path became a low bridge as they neared the center of the room, which appeared to be a huge oak tree sitting on a small island in the center of a pond. There was a stone path circling the tree, and another path that broke off to the right of it. Alison glanced over finding a huge rose colored bed, held up by rose vines and tree roots. The canopy over the bed was made completely of flower vines, with flowers of all colors of the rainbow hanging over the bed in the most beautiful tapastry Alison had ever seen.

"This is your mother's bedroom?" Alison asked, turning in circles a few times to take it all in. She nearly fell in the pond a few times, but Kira was there to save her with a laugh.

"That's correct. My mother takes great pride in her room."

"I thought the garden was amazing, but this is just... wow."

"This room is more natural, hence the glowing plants not being here." Kira explained.

"You never explained where those plants came from." Alison answered, touching her fingers to the tree as she walked around it, watching as the Spriggans came to the edge of the pond watching them. Some even stepped into the water to try and get a little closer.

"My sister and I found some of them in a Ruin we were exploring. We brought some of them back and the Fairies and Spriggans just started cultivating them and making more. From what I understand they're the only ones of their kind other than what was or still is inside that ruin." Kira explained.

"Why are there Spriggans here? Do they take care of this garden for Rose?"

"Indeed. Though, they're mostly here for Venus."

"Venus is here?" Alison asked. "Can I meet her?"

"You already did."

"Did I?"

"The tree." Kira pointed to the oak that Alison was standing beside. Alison looked at the tree doubtfully, until the bark twisted and moved, causing the young wolf to jump back in shock. The bark moved into the shape of a face with glowing green eyes and a mouth.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Alison." The tree spoke, when it's mouth opened it was the same glowing green as it's eyes. "I've waited a long time for this moment."

"Oh my god. Rose has Venus in her bedroom?" Alison asked in awe. "That's so cool! Oh! Right! Nice to meet you too... Sorry."

The tree chuckled, it's canopy shaking a bit with a few leaves falling to the ground. "That's quite alright. I'm sure most people would react in the same way, seeing two indoor gardens filled with fantastical creatures."

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя