Chapter 18

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Alison was snuggled into Kira's side, a low growl of contentment vibrating in her chest. The vampire gently rubbing circles onto her back.

"When are you going to take me into the castle?" The wolf asked.

"Soon." Kira answered. "I'm just waiting for a good time. If my sister finds you she'll probably try and start a war."

"Are they really that scared of us?"

"Zia is, but mom isn't. She knows you and I being together is unavoidable."

"Why does Zia hate my kind so much?"

"She thinks they're less than us. That vampires are somehow better than them." Kira explained. "But that's not why she doesn't want us together."

Alison's eyes drifted to the castle with the moon hovering over it like a backdrop. They were laying on the bank of the river, looking up at the stars above. Then the vampire moved a bit and tilted her head so she was facing the werewolf with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with nothing but love and affection. She then leaned forward, and gently connected their lips together in a blissful kiss.

Alison's hands roamed Kira's body, skillfully gliding over her back and moving to her hips, to pull the two of them closer together, fitting their bodies together and enjoying the sparks of their connection. Kira's arms wrapped around the werewolf as the vampire rolled on top of her, before beginning to trail her kisses lower. She planted a wet kiss on the center of the wolf's collarbone, getting her to lean her head back with a soft moan of pure happiness.

When their bodies touched it was like fire and ice, all at the same time. Like bolts of lightning amplified everything about it, making it the most blissful experience they've ever had.

Kira, even in her long life, would never be this physical with anyone else but the werewolf. A fact she had admitted to on several occasions. If not with Alison, then with no one else till the vampire no longer lived.

They were made to be together. To experience no one but each other, and that was something the vampire would die protecting.

The vampire unbuttoned the top two buttons of Alison's blouse, gently pulling it apart and trailing kisses even lower.

"Right now? Overlooking your castle?" Alison asked, between her panting as her body began heating up, far more than she thought it would.

A shiver ran through Kira's body, and she froze, her lips still on Alison's skin. Alison went to move but paused as she noticed the world around them darken a bit. She looked up, finding the moon behind the castle, had changed to an ere blood red.

Alison gently touched Kira's shoulder and shook her, as she had not moved in a while. "Kira? Kira what's wrong? Kira? Are you-"

Kira's hands tightened around the wolf's neck, crushing down on her windpipe with a force far stronger than anything the wolf could ever expect. The vampire leaned her head back, revealing eyes as bright and crimson as the moon itself. Alison grabbed her hands and tried to free herself, but the vampire's grip was iron, and she showed no sign of stopping.

She choked out some gasps as she tried to speak, but nothing coherent came out, and Kira just seemed to be pressing down harder and harder. She opened her mouth revealing razor sharp teeth, before biting down on her jugular.


Alison sat bolt upright in bed with a wail, before nearly vomiting on her covers. Her body felt heavy, and refused to cooperate. When she tried to throw her feet off the bed, she barely moved at all. Merely managing to shift slightly under the covers. Her stomach felt like it was filled with molten rock, and her head was so cloudy she thought for sure smoke was pouring out her ears.

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