Chapter 33

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How are you feeling? Alison heard in her head. She was laying in bed, buried under her covers with the lights off, and brooding about her future. How could you not worry about what the future held when you were dating, and your child could be the being that brings about the end of the world?

I'm alright. Just tired. Alison answered, which wasn't a complete lie.

I've had Zoe keeping an eye on you, I hope you don't mind. The vampire answered.

Alison smiled softly, and sat up, looking around the room and wondering which shadow the shade was hiding in. You're worried about me, I'm not surprised.

I can't help it. I wanted to give you space, but also know if you needed me. Kira answered.

Are you coming up?

I'm on my way.

Sure enough, Kira opened the door as Alison finished settling back into her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Kira made her way over to the other side and crawled under the covers, spooning the wolf from behind and nuzzling her nose into her neck.

Alison couldn't help but notice the faint glow on the wall and furnature in front of her, that moved ever so slightly. She quickly realized that it was the glow from Kira's eyes, illuminating the wall. "Why do vampires have glowing eyes, but werewolves don't?" The wolf questioned.

"I'm not sure. An evolutionary trait perhaps?" Kira shrugged wrapping her arms around Alison's stomach and holding onto her tightly. "I know werewolves have good sight in the dark, but can see even better when in their werewolf form. I know your eyes in your wolf form do glow, just not as vibrant as mine do."

"But if that was the case then wouldn't yours only glow in your true form?"

Kira chuckled. "Vampires gave up the use of their 'true' form for the stealth of this human form. For all intensive purposes, this is my true form. I can simply revert to my beast form if I ever need brute force over my agility and stealth."

"I've never seen you take that form." Alison noted.

"And hopefully you never will." Kira answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't find that form useful. Aviri sometimes has use of brute force, but I don't. I like to be up close and personal, and use my speed as much as I can. I don't have any interest in using brute force to solve my problems because if I did, then I'd have you."


"But true. You're much stronger than me physically, and likely so even if we both assume our beast forms. Either way." Kira shrugged. "I don't enjoy being reminded I have a demon inside me. So I try my very best not to use that form."

"I'll try and give you a nice dream." Alison smiled softly.

"Please do."


Alison watched as Alice readied herself as she stood in front of Drake who had shifted into his werewolf form. He was studying the vampire warily, waiting for her to strike out and attack, but she was patiently waiting for him to make the first move, and showed no signs of changing that.

"Are you sure Alice won't kill him?" Veronica asked, nudging Kira as the rest of them were all gathered around to watch.

"Sarah and Sapphire are here. Sarah can use magic to heal, and Sapphire's dragon breath can heal, so even if Alice did kill him they could save him. Plus, I actually think she has more resistance than I do." Kira admitted, though she certainly didn't seem happy about it.

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