Chapter 6

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Alison was built, especially so in her werewolf form. She stood at least nine feet tall in this form, and did look like she was built for the part. Her teeth were daggers in her mouth, and were a perfect white, while her fur itself was a dark brown.

As Alison brought her paws down, Sapphire rolled out of the way and back onto her feet before spinning around and turning back towards the werewolf as she dragged her claws from the ground.

"Maybe you are as frightening as they say. But that won't save you here." Sapphire snarled. Her clothing and skin tore away, revealing bright blue scales as her body stretched and transformed. Her feet came off the ground, and she floated above it by five or so feet as her body continued to grow.

In a few seconds she was a twenty foot long blue dragon, with a white underbelly, scales and claws. Her horns looked like antlers, but far more straight. Even when they segmented into smaller horns, they all still pointed the same direction, just branching off slightly. Whiskers hung off the side of her muzzle and flowed like they too were also levitating. Her eyes were the same bright blue as they always were, but now held a slit pupil to match her change. Her arms and legs were rather small compared to her body, but they were still four foot limbs, that did look capable of holding her weight, if barely.

Her body had what looked like fans like that of a lizard's all along the length of her body, but they were folded down as to not get caught on anything. Even her tail had the same treatment, with a much larger one on the end of her tail, creating what could be a paddle if it was extended.

Alison didn't have to guess that Sapphire was a water dragon.

Alison snarled, baring her white teeth in anger and rage. Deep down she knew she could likely fight this creature, and come out the victor. But it wasn't as though she had practice killing dragons or other demons for that matter. She could feel her wolf's excitement even still. The beast in her blood demanded a fight, and boy was Alison going to give it to her.

"I don't think I've ever seen a dragon like you before. Maybe in stories and movies here, but never in Exodious." Alison admitted, her voice now raspy and deeper now that she was in her wolf form.

"My kind still exists in Exodious. They just tend to remain in Vaporous. Here though, my kind were treated like gods by the humans." When the dragon spoke it's mouth did not move, and it's voice seemed echoed, like it was being projected from the dragon's body itself.

"Well that time is over. Now they simply fear us." Alison admitted.

"Fear you. But don't worry. I've placed a barrier so no humans will interrupt us." Sapphire grinned, revealing her razor sharp teeth. "But I doubt it will matter much when I kill you!" The dragon's mouth opened, and a rattling hiss sound came out of it's maw. Two of those frills opened on either side of Sapphire's head, revealing swirling patterns of white and blue before they closed and it dashed forwards, her paws never touching the ground.

Alison ducked under the dragon's jaws as they snapped shut, just missing her shoulder, only for the dragon to whip around and wrap it's body around the werewolf, crushing down rather violently. Alison reached over her head, as one of her paws had not been tied up, and slam her claws into Sapphire's body, before pulling with all her might and throwing her off.

Sapphire rolled across the ground before bouncing and landing almost gracefully on her feet, her tail slamming against the ground as she glared forwards.

Alison pressed her knuckles into the dirt and grinned at the yellow blood on her claws.

"I thought Dragon's scales were unbreakable in this world?" Sapphire snarled.

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