Chapter 13

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Alison sat on the fountain with a yawn, a single tear dripping down her cheek as she did so before she brushed it away and groaned.

"Do you sleep at all with Kira around?" Jack questioned, raising an eyebrow before he bit into his sandwich.

"I do." Alison retorted. "It's actually a lot harder to get up than it used to be."

"Oh do tell." Veronica grinned, gently elbowing the werewolf to try and get her to spill the beans.

"Yeah, you never used to be so tired, so it means she must be doing something right huh?" Drake grinned.

"Oh ha ha. You guys are so funny. It's almost like we're dating or something." Alison grumbled.

"I mean, at least you can stay awake." Jack laughed. "She didn't even bother showing up today."

"She also has a hole in her hand caused by a cursed hunter's weapons." Veronica added. "I mean, we can ask her to stab you, I'm sure her blades are the same."

"N-No. I'm good." Jack cringed. "So is she actually just sleeping at home?"

"She was talking to her sister when I left, so something important may have come up." Alison shrugged. "If something was wrong she would have told me."

"Speaking of which." Veronica noted, pointing towards the road as Zoe started crossing over the grass heading towards them with her arms behind her back.

"Why aren't you with Kira?" Alison questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Because she's out cold and I can teleport to her at will." Zoe shrugged. "And I'm technically still with her. Anyways, I came to find some entertainment." She smiled happily.

"You just want the piece of cake I put in my lunch bag this morning."

"How dare you. I just wanted to come-"

"You know, the more you lie to me the less I want to give it to you." Alison sighed.

"Alright jeez. It was a considering factor." Zoe confessed. "Kira also asked me to come in her place you know. I'm not that bad."

"I mean, you are pretty scary." Jack noted.

Zoe sat beside Alison on the fountain and smirked. "I try."

Alison handed the Shade a small plastic container and a fork, which she took happily and began chowing down on the chocolate cake.

"So why do you like sweets so much? Just because?" Alison raised an eyebrow.

"It's a Shade thing I guess." Zoe shrugged. "Or maybe it just runs in my family. My mom and siblings are the same way."

"You have siblings?" Alison questioned. "You never told me about them."

"You never asked. Plus I don't really like to talk about them. Most of them I've never even met before. I grew up with a couple in Nightshade castle, but otherwise I never had the opportunity. My mom just goes around having kids with everyone because she's a whore like that."

"Fuck." Drake grumbled as the Shade basically just tore apart the mood as she shoveled the cake into her mouth.

"Don't freak out thinking you guys are walking on glass with me. I don't care. I've gotten over it all a long time ago." She explained. "Though it's a refreshing change from the girl with daddy issues, I guess it's not really all that different."

"Still. It's kind of a dark topic for most people. You sure you're alright?" Veronica questioned.

"Yep. Anyone else got anything coated in sugar?" She questioned.

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora