Chapter 7

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Alison sat in the stone cage in darkness, the silver collar around her neck chained her to the back wall. It hung loosely around her neck, but the effect was the same. The silver metal weakened her drastically, leaving with no strength at all. She could barely lift her head as she heard the stone door slide opened.

"Does Veronica know you're here?" Alison asked, barely loud enough to be a whisper.

"I didn't ask permission if that's what you meant." Came Kira's answer. Alison was facing away from the door, the silver chain wrapped around her left leg as she was sitting in the middle of the room.

Kira sat behind her and leaned back so she was sitting against Alison's back facing the door. Her hood was down, revealing her dirty blonde hair, silver eyes, and flawless skin. "If I had known she was using Silver, and not just locking you up like an animal I would have come sooner."

"Your moonstone bracelet helps, doesn't it?"

"Of course. It prevents the moon from actually affecting you."

"That's useful."

"Having your mate close probably helps too." Kira sighed deeply, leaning her head back so it touched the back of Alison's.

"Has it really only been fifty three years?" Alison asked.

"Indeed." Kira answered. "Though it may have been much shorter for you since time passes differently."

"But you're going to stay from now on?"

"Alison... it can't just go back to the way it was so easily." Kira explained.

"I never said it could. I hurt you. I really hurt you." Alison confessed. "And I can't take it back. But I can try."

"You'll have to work for it." Kira explained. "I can't just surrender myself to you like before."

"I'm not asking you to. Take your time with it. Be cautious. You have every right to be." Alison explained. "We'll take it slow, even if we are mates. I can do that. For you."

Kira gently looped her arm around Alison's and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Slow." She agreed.

"Since you're here, do you still think I need the collar?"

"You will. Otherwise you might take advantage of me." Kira teased, getting Alison to roll her eyes.

"I don't think it works that way."

"If you want to try then try." Kira laughed. "If I need to run, I'll be gone before you blink."

Alison untangled the chain from her leg and slipped the collar over her head, not once feeling like she was losing control.

"Does your bracelet let you walk in daylight?" Alison questioned.

"I wear the moonstone so I can touch water without worry." Kira confessed. "Pureblood's aren't effected by the sun."

"Why does it hurt normal vampires?"

"No clue." She shrugged.

"Can you take me back to Exodious?" Alison asked.

"I suppose I could. But why go back?"

"Because it's my home."

"This is your home. You have people who need you here." Kira explained.

"I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be there, with you and mom."

"Luna isn't around." Kira confessed. "She was badly hurt in the fight and has been recovering. She's still bed ridden."

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