Chapter 14

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"Sorry." Alison cringed at the Zealot's reaction.

"It's alright." Peredite sighed.

"You're not supposed to be here! You can't just use your magic like it has no consequence!" Alex roared.

"Are you perhaps frightened of my ability? I hear that even the two of you can't open a portal yourselves." Peredite offered. "I'd be happy to teach you."

"What? Don't teach him anything!" Alison snapped.

"I don't want your charity!" Alex roared. "Give me the werewolf!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. The choice is her's to make, and even if I allowed her to make that call, Aviri would be very cross with me if I just gave her up so easily." Peredite admitted.

"How is it that Aviri got hold of Merlin's Zealot anyway!? Shouldn't you still be at the tower!?"

"She bested Merlin in a fair magic duel for my catalyst. She quickly removed that catalyst and instead bound my soul to her's instead, making her own body the catalyst."

"That's impossible! Only a god could support a Zealot's raw magic." Alice noted.

"And yet here I am."

"You don't have a catalyst do you!?" Alex growled. "You just make that up to make that stupid Nightshade seem stronger than she actually is."

"Unfortunately I am unable to lie. A rule put in place by our maker. Zealots are incapable of lies." She shrugged. "So I am indeed bound to Aviri, body and soul."

"But with her not being here, you have no power!"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. The link only allows her to control me and channel my magic through her own body. I'm fully capable of using my full abilities even when she's in another dimension." Peredite admitted with a smirk, revealing a fang. "I have been tasked with protecting Alison, and I have every intention of making sure that no harm will come to her."

Alison picked herself up. "Don't hurt Alice. She's not bound to her brother anymore so you can kick his ass without hurting her, but she's not the bad guy anymore."

"I'm well aware of that." Peredite answered. "Perhaps the two of you should return home? Kira will be back shortly."

"I'm not going anywhere." Alice answered. "I want to watch the life be crushed from his eyes."

"You Nightshades don't have the stones to take lives!" Alex growled.

"In what world do you believe us to not kill? You're a rabid animal Alex Daybreaker, and you need to be put down just like any savage beast. It would be more foolish of me not to kill you."

"So Alice can change but I can't!?" Alex roared.

"Perhaps she would have grown to follow the same path as you and your father, but your constant torture of her caused her to hate you more. If you hadn't abused her, she'd likely be standing beside you preparing to fight me." Peredite scoffed.

"Your kind always think you're so much stronger than you really are! You pretend to be strong and powerful but you always hide behind numbers! Fight me yourself!"

"Do you think I planned on calling for help?" Peredite questioned. "I intend to slay you by myself." She then paused and turned her head before smiling. "Perhaps I won't be your opponent after all."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Alex growled.

"Kira and Aviri have finished their meeting with Zia early." Peredite confessed.

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now