Chapter 11: "You'll have to catch me first."

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As Bree and I get out of her car, a tall boy with short brown hair that stood from afar, sees us and begins walking in our direction, eyes focused on Bree. I turn to look at Bree, who's also watching him as she falls into a daze.

"Hey Bree," he utters smoothly, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Hey Bryan," Bree responds, trying to compose herself as a tint of pink slowly appears on her cheeks.

I clear my throat, interrupting their cute moment, and their heads whip to the side.

"Oh, hey Sophie. Sorry, I didn't see you there. I almost didn't recognize you without your glasses again," apologizes Bryan.

"It's fine," I state with a slight chuckle, hinting that I didn't mind. "I'll see you later, Bree. I have to talk to...Mr. Kent about last night's calculus homework." As I walk away, giving them some alone time before school started, I turn back and give Bree a wink. Thank you, she mouths.

As I spin back around, about to take another step, a car comes ripping into the school's parking lot and heads right towards me. I freeze, unable to react quickly as I'm paralyzed with shock. A rough hand suddenly spins me around and forcefully pulls me back into them. The front of my body bumps into their muscular chest, giving off that oh-so-familiar scent.

"Better watch where you're going next time, Shortcake. I won't always be there to save you," he brags, a smug smirk forming on his lips.

I look up at him and scoff, "I can take care of myself, thank you very much." I step away from him and march straight for the front steps of the school. I heard him chuckle under his breath behind me, the sound becoming less prominent as I walk farther away,

A N D R E W   D A L T O N

Jacob comes up beside me, leaning on the hood of my car.

"That girl really is something, huh?" He chuckles under his breath, crossing his arms as we watch Shortcake march away.

"Yup, she sure is something alright," I look down and shake my head, a smile still lingering.

"She's got a nice ass though," Jacob admits with a smirk. For some reason, I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face for looking at her that way. Was I jealous? Impossible.

The bell rings and Jacob straightens up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"Don't forget about the dare, Dalton," he calls out as he makes his way to the front of the school.

"I'm working on it," I shout back, a bad feeling starting to grow in my stomach. She's just part of your dare, Andrew. Nothing more. But something is telling me otherwise.

I shake the thought off and sling my bag over my shoulder, holding onto the strap as I head to class.


S O P H I E   W I L K I N S

As I enter the AP Biology class, I swiftly travel to the seat next to Bree, dropping everything to the ground and throwing myself into the chair.

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