perfect is a big word but you're worth it; soonhoon

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hoi, im so game for soft jihoon hhh


jihoon hated dating. he hated the amount of work it took. he hated how you had to get someone to see you and experience you as you are and trust them enough not to take advantage of that. he hated that they ended. jihoon had enough of failed relationships.

first it was a girl. jeon somin. she had pretty long hair and loved to wear sneakers. her mom made the best kimbap and her dad always told jihoon stories of when he was in the navy. jihoon thought he was in love. until somin found taehyung. 

then it was another girl. kim yuna. a lovely girl with a passion for music and rapping. she spoke english and got on well with all jihoon's friends. she was so much like jihoon at times that if felt as if she was the only person jihoon could ever love. he was wrong. 

then it was jihoon's first boyfriend. yan an. he was tall and absolutely breathtaking. with the prettiest and softest silver hair that jihoon ever did touch. he was chinese and he never got to meet the boy's parents but he always listened to yan speak of them softly whenever he got homesick. yan an had to move back to china eventually.

jihoon dated many people. he could remember every break up if he wanted to. but every time his mind drifted back he would remember yoon jeonghan's words "don't let any hoes get you down" 

jihoon loved with his whole heart, with his whole self. he loved entirely. although jihoon had never been the best at saying the simple words of 'i love you' and never really knew how to express his love for someone physically he loved with his entire being. when jihoon fell, he fell hard and fast. he'd be head over heels before he even realised most of the times. 

but all the unfortunate relationships jihoon had been in made him believe that love was far, very far, out of his reach. and that no matter how hard he tried, he'd never get it. 

that was, until kwon soonyoung entered his life. 

soonyoung hit him by storm. he was sudden and new and jihoon felt weak to the knees the first time he saw the dancer practising as he passed the practise room on his way to his recording studio. jihoon watched him for a moment. admiring the sharp moves and effortless strides. although he felt just a little bit creepy, jihoon couldn't help but admire him. 

little did jihoon know, soonyoung would be the first to download his new songs.


"you dance?" 

those were the first words that soonyoung ever said to jihoon and he remembers them like they were yesterday. jihoon had been on his way to his studio when he halted by the door on which stood "kwon soonyoung" and looked inside, ignoring the intrusive feeling he felt. 

soonyoung had popped his head out the door and looked at jihoon, asking him the question with a bright smile on his face and a towel around his shoulders.

jihoon shook his head "no, i don't. i sing" 

soonyoung nodded, returning to the practise room, motioning for jihoon to follow, " i know, i'm a big fan" 

jihoon halts again, "pardon?" 

soonyoung laughs at the face jihoon pulls "did that sound creepy? sorry. i just like your music, i've been meaning to talk to you actually" 

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