Beach House Party Tears (Part 1)

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forever//over by EDEN

Percy's P.O.V.

When Percy opened his eyes,  he found himself in his room.
He did not remember how he got in there since the very last thing he remembered was sitting in the cab after dropping Annabeth to her apartment building.

He got up from his bed and groaned. His whole body ached as if he had worked out too much and now his muscles were stretching and causing cramps.

He got out of his room in search for Luke. Surely he knew how he got here.
But when calling out his name resulted in silence, he knew something was up.

He noticed a message addressed to him on the counter of the kitchen. It read— ‘Went out to get groceries. I will bring marshmallows too. Love Castallen’.

"That son of a sap," mumbled Percy as he crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash bin. Nevertheless, a small smile rested on his face. His friend cared for him and that meant a lot.

Percy made his way back to his room and grabbed some fresh clothes. He went to the bathroom and got ready to take a shower, however he was stopped by the image he saw of himself in the mirror.
He had a bruise forming under his left eye, and a couple of bruises lined his ribcage and stomach as well. His lower lip was torn and there were a few small cuts near his right eye with dried blood.
Percy looked at his hands and saw that his knuckles were split and had dried blood on them too.
He examined himself closely. It seemed that he had gotten into a fight but the look in his made him seem haunted by something.

Percy splashed water on his face and took deep breaths while he engaged in a staring match with the sink. After quite a while of trying to recall the events of last night (but failing), he looked back at the mirror only to find that he had no bruises at all.

Percy completely flabbergasted rushed outside the bathroom and grabbed his phone. He immediately called Luke.

When he picked up, Percy completely flipped out on him.

"Hey Perce," Luke said over the phone.
"How did I come back?" Percy asked.
"I brought you back from your mom's house. You somehow found your way back to your old apartment where they told you that your mom shifted to where she currently is now; and I know this because these people called your mom and she called me. Though after you went to her house."

Percy let out a sigh and massaged his forehead with his free hand. How come he did not remember any of this?

"Perce, you there, man?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"So, what happened? What's wrong?"

"Luke, I think I'm going crazy. I do not remember any of the happenings of last night."

"Were you high?"


"...You didn't recognize me when I came to pick you up. You called me...what was the name?.....Jace? No, no...Uh, Jason? Yeah, Jason. You called me Jason."

"I called you Jason."

"That's true."

"Why would I call you Jason, when I could address you by so many more insulting names?"

"Oh, I feel your love right over the phone. Thank you."

Percy smiled. "Yeah, I feel you too."

"Whatever. You coming for the party tonight?"

"Where is it?"

"There's a party happening in Montauk. It's gonna be like a college party with alcohol, drugs, people kissing in dark places and girls tasting like cigarettes and something exotic. You know, general stuff."

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