Keep My Secret?

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400 Lux by Lorde

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Glad you could make it, Chase," Percy smiled at her as he opened the door to let her in. She smiled back as she adjusted the strap of her messenger bag that rested on her shoulder, letting herself in his house. 

"I am glad too. Hope I was not too late," she said. Percy closed the door behind her and took her bag for her.

"Oh, you're not. Don't worry," he reassured her. "By the way, I managed to save you some dinner that Luke, my roommate and I cooked. It might suck but we are quite proud of what we cook."

"Thanks for having me here," she said.

Percy blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, grinning a little, almost in a goofy manner. "No problem. Wait in the kitchen. I'll be right back," he said and left the living room, disappearing down the small hallway of his apartment.

Annabeth took a seat on the chair near the kitchen counter. She let herself feel relaxed after the long day. The architect did not want to dive into her restless thoughts as it would do her no good, so instead she started to think to song lyrics and started tapping out their beats with her fingers on her thigh.

Percy soon entered the room followed by a blond individual. He was dressed in his pyjamas and he was trying really hard to stifle a yawn behind the fist the was blocking the view of his mouth. He had light blue eyes and a scar ran from his left eye to his jawline. Somehow the scar only seemed to enhance his masculine face with high cheekbones and pale skin. Annabeth would have been attracted to him had she not recognised the other.

"Luke Castallen?" she asked as her eyes widened in disbelief. Such a small world to live in.

"Annabeth?" he asked showing equal amount of shock if not more.

Breaking out of their shocked daze, they rushed to each other and embraced while tears of joy leaked out of their eyes. After all, this was a family reunion.

Annabeth was the first one to break out of their embrace so that she could beat the shit out of the man in front of her for disappearing without a trace what-so-ever. She hit him on his shoulder hard. Then, recoiled her hand back only to punch Luke in the jaw, effectively bruising it and spraining her hand.

"You buffon, what were you thinking when you went M.I.A. on me, huh?!" she yelled at him, clutching her wrist to her chest in a futile attempt to ease her pain.

"Glad to see that you are the same seven-year-old I met," the person in question replied massaging his jaw to dampen his pain as well.

Percy stood there with a look of confusion and amusement at the exchange that took place between the two of them. Annabeth noticed his stare and grinned in his direction. She enveloped him in an embrace which left Percy utterly speechless.

"I don't know how you to it, Percy. Always finding a way to bring my past to me. But I am glad for your weird gift," she said, her voice muffled due to her face being nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

Percy hugged her back without a question, a smile of his own on his face.


"You ran away at the age of seven?!" asked a horrified Percy, his eyes widening like saucers, his surprised gaze on a blushing Annabeth. Luke laughed as he set his coffee mug on the coffee table in front of him.

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