Spiel Of A Double Date

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dear society by MADISON BEER

Percy's P.O.V.

Percy tried combing through his hair trying to tame it at least a little, to make it look like he had tried (and he succeeded to some limit) but his hair refused to look tame enough to look civilised. Finally he decided to put some hair gel in it to tame it to a minimal amount. He still had to maintain his 'just woke up' bedhead look.

"For Pete's sake, could you hurry up Percy? We are going to be late! It's just an ice-cream double date not a formal ball," Luke's voice yelled from the living room.

"Give me a minute!" Percy yelled back, spraying some perfume on his collar bones and on his wrists. Classic French move. He checked his breath one more time and looked at his appearance to see if he was still satisfied with his look (he was) then he got out of his room.

"Finally! You decided to grace me with your presence. Shall we get going? You look good by the way," Luke said while switching off the remaining lights of the room and grabbing the house keys and car keys.

"Thanks, man. You looking fine yourself," Percy complimented him back, walking out of their shared apartment behind Luke.

"I know," Luke replied smugly. "Come on, we  have to pick both of them up."

"We're such gentlemen and yet we don't get appreciated enough," Percy said jokingly as they walked down the hall towards the building's staircase.

"I don't know what you're talking about because my boyfriend tells me that all the time."

"And yet I am still left to hear it."

"Oh, shut up."


"Hey Annabeth, where are you? We're at your front door," Percy said into the phone clutched in his hand.

"Sorry Perce, this client took most of my time. But don't worry, I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few minutes," he heard Annabeth's voice reply on the other end, the sound of the traffic muffled in the background.

"It's alright, we'll wait. Don't rush yourself."

"I'm so sorry. I'm almost there. Just another ten minutes away."

"Okay, we'll wait."

"Thank you! I'll be there."

Percy smiled as he hung up. Luckily she was not ditching them. That would have been awkward. Thank Gods, he didn't think too much about it, right?

Oh, who was he kidding? He had completely freaked out inside.

He looked at the couple standing beside him, looking into each other's eyes and giggling quietly at the corny pick up lines they were exchanging, with no awareness of the things going on around them.

Percy was amazed. So there really existed a way to forget the world without drugs and alcohol? Maybe love really was a drug. A drug that didn't cost much but was hella addictive.

"I really hate to interrupt you guys, but Annabeth had been caught up with some client. She's on her way right now though. Only about ten minutes away. You guys wanna wait or you gonna meet us there? 'Cause I'm waiting for her, no matter what," Percy said to them as they looked at him.

"Poor thing, I feel so bad for her. So much work... Don't worry, Percy. We're waiting. Aren't we, babe?" Ethan looked at Luke in a sickeningly sweet way, which always made Luke melt in his hands.

"Oh yeah, we're waiting. There's no way I'm leaving you two alone," Luke replied.

While Ethan was busy laughing, Percy was plotting murder of his best friend in his mind.

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