Dead Of The Night

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Only One Who Knows by Arctic Monkeys

Annabeth's P.O.V.

She wanted to believe that everything was a lie. That reality was a lie (even though she knew it probably was), but she wanted the reality of the moment to fade away right now. She didn't want this moment of revelation to be real. Yet it was. It was as real as the air that she was breathing in, as real as the chill that had settled into her bones, as real as the two men in the same room as her, as real as the tears that were now free falling onto her lap.

Annabeth sniffed her nose and wiped the small amount of snot that dripped out on the back of her shirt sleeve. She dried her tears with the backs of her hands and stood up. Her friends looked at her in confusion. She only attacked Percy with the biggest hug she had ever given anyone. Luke smiled when he saw Percy hug her back, borrowing his head at the crook of her neck.

He let out the tears that he had buried deep inside his heart for years. Annabeth held onto him to convince him that she was there. Luke joined in and she opened one arm to invite him in.

The three knew that they were as vulnerable as they felt when they were alone. The difference this time was that they were vulnerable to each other which created a new level of closeness for the three. Sharing tears and secrets had led to them being family.

"We won't let you slip away, Percy. I will be with you. No matter what," Annabeth promised while running her hand through the said person's dark locks in a comforting manner.

Luke pulled away from the embrace, effectively ending the vulnerable moment between them when he said, "I am pretty sure it's been a long day for all of us. We should get some rest and tomorrow we are having a reunion day out. No protests shall be accepted."

Annabeth let of Percy slowly and fixed her blue shirt, standing from her awkward crouching position. She lifted her head to fixed her face at Luke with a questioning look. Luke having spent majority of his childhood with the other blonde and understood her gaze.

"Yes, it's only the three of us along with my boyfriend,Ethan. We will be going out for ice-cream, probably, as cliche as it sounds," the other blond said.

"You have a boyfriend?" she asked.

"I'm bisexual, so yeah," Luke said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay, first of all, I really want to meet this boyfriend of yours and second of all, damn, son. You got real nervous right now. I am telling you, you have have it bad for this guy," Annabeth said crossing her arms in front of her chest, a smug smirk on her face.

"Says the girl with unrequited love," Luke remarked with a smirk of his own.

She unfolded her arms as a blush bloomed on her face and said in a monotone voice, "Let's just get some sleep."


In the dark of Percy's room, Annabeth lay awake and wondered how her life had become the mess that it now was. Everything used to be organised and plain before the subway meeting. But she couldn't help but think that this mess was required in her life. She was constantly bored out of her mind and was setting herself on a new road of self-destruction by not paying her friends and herself any heed. She finally decided that she was glad for this mess. It changed things up, brought new adventure into her life.

Yet sleep was still far out of her grasp. Thinking about dreaming just made her more restless. She would slip in and out of consciousness all the time, which her wondering whether the pieces of dreams that she had seen were really real or not. In her tired brain, the dreams seemed like memories to her.

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