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"Jenifer?!" I hear a shout that sends me ten feet into the air. I'm terrified of people sneaking up on me and since getting here yesterday it's happened twice.

You'd think for a wolf I'd have good senses but no. I'm lacking in that department because for the most part I tune people out.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I throw a pair of shorts at the person and once I realize it's Logan calling for me I roll my eyes. "What do you need?"

"Bash asked me to come get you and to bring you downstairs since that's where normal people eat breakfast."

"Okay well can't you tell I'm getting dressed." I motion to the oversized shirt hanging from my body and he quickly shuts the door. "Stupid boys." I mumble as I pull on a pair of leggings.

If I'm around boys that means I have to wear a bra doesn't it? No, actually it doesn't cause we're all adults and I don't care.

That's how I ended up walking downstairs in my tank top and was quickly given a shirt to put on over mine.

"No way bitch, keep your shirt. If you guys haven't seen nipples at this point in your life you have bigger problems than mine showing." I assure them as I take my seat at the counter next to Bash.

"You're gonna be the death of me." He mumbles after putting his shirt back on and I place a hand on his thigh.

"I know." I leave a kiss in his cheek before going back to eating and keeping my hands to myself.

"I remember being told that I'd get to know you today. I don't like liars." Logan points his knife at me and I turn to Bash.

"Did he just point a knife at me?"

"Yeah I think he did." He nods as both of his hands grip onto his coffee cup and his lips tug into a smile.

"I'm right here and I want answers titty twister." Logan sasses and Hudson, Bash and I all choke on our drinks.

"Goddess... Just ask the damn questions you psychopath."

"Well I asked her what her favorite color was and she has the audacity to say it's black. Can you believe this one?"

"This is the same girl who called Bash a bitch a few minutes ago, so yes I can believe it." Hudson backs me up.

"For the sake of the conversation, can't you just consider black a color?" I ask and this asshole starts laughing.

"And give up my integrity as question asker? How dare you suggest such a thing." He places his utensils down and gives me a stern look. "Moving on. Tell us about your life."

"You're more demanding than me." I lean back in my seat and I try to think of the stand out moments in my life. There's been a few, but not many that I feel like sharing after only knowing these three for less than a day. That's why I decide they'll get some useless facts.

"My birthday is June 23rd and I'm twenty. I'm nowhere near girly and you won't ever see me in a dress unless it's been forced upon me. I like clothes and I hoard random items." I pause as I try to think of any other details of my life and personality. "I'm the daughter of an Alpha, but he stepped down and gave the position to Trevor about eight years ago. Speaking of Trevor he's my only sibling and he's six years older than me. He tried to sell me when we were younger, because I took one of his action figures and played with it. He used to drag me to most of his meetings because he claimed it would be useful when in reality I tuned out most of the Alpha talk."

My family thought that if I wasn't going to be refined and girly that the least I could do, was be good at something to help my future mate run the pack.

"You suck! I wanted more detail."

"Oh my bad. Do you want the extended edition princess?" I ask while giving him a pouty face.

"Yeah I assumed that's what we were gonna get."

"Stop assuming then. You know what they say." I trail off and he shakes his head at me before going back to his food. Once we are all done we take a seat in the living room where Bash sits down next to me on the couch.

"What about you guys? I don't know much about you guys." I ask as I look into Bash's eyes before looking at the twins.

"Well I'm Bash's Beta so I'm usually doing whatever he tells me to do when it comes to the pack. I usually travel with him when he's having meetings and I help him make decisions. We've grown up together." Logan shrugs.

"We both grew up with Bash but Logan knew him longer because I wasn't on the same sports teams as them. I usually deal with the training of pack members and protection. Lots of fighting and keeping the warriors trained."

I still don't know how these two fight. They're small in stature to be high ranks, but I assume that their looks are deceiving.

"They're brothers to me at this point. I knew them because their dad was my fathers Beta but we didn't talk as kids because I wasn't allowed to do much. My parents were nervous that their only son would be injured and that the future alpha would be harmed." Bash laughs as he puts his arm around me. "Once we were in school my parents finally loosened up and let me do my own thing. I joined the baseball team when I was eight and Logan was on it so we became friends. When we got to high school I was best friends with both of them so when the time came to become Alpha it was kinda perfect. I had a Beta who I knew would do his job."

"How did you pick who would become Beta if you guys are twins?"

You don't usually hear of twins being born into these types of positions because it usually makes for an awkward situation. I remember there being twin Alphas that ran a pack somewhere in Europe but twins who are born to a Beta and end up having different positions? It's not common.

"Well I felt bad because they mean a lot to me. I knew that their parents would have to fess up to which one was older sooner or later because I needed a Beta, so I figured that whoever wasn't my Beta still deserved to be part of my team. Logan ended up being older so he got the position and initially Hudson was my Delta, but I saw him training one day after our old Gamma retired and it all fell into place." He shrugs. "He's way more useful to the pack as a Gamma anyways."

That's gotta be one of the hardest things. Knowing you're twin brother got to be a higher rank than you just because he was born first. Maybe for Hudson it isn't, but if it was me I'd have it eating me up inside.

"Enough about us, we're boring. We all want to know more about you."

"I said the basics isn't that good enough?"

"Logan likes to know everything if you couldn't tell. He's a bit of a control freak when it comes to having the lowdown on new pack members or new people we meet." Bash explains.

Well I don't like opening up to people.

"How about I tell you a few more facts and you shut up for today?" I make another offer to the brunette and he nods in agreement.

"I was forced into dance classes as a kid and quit to join the volleyball team. I played soccer as a goalie for a while, but got kicked off the team for being a bit too aggressive. I don't really talk to anyone anymore because after graduation my friends found their mates. I spent most of my time at home being forced to do things I didn't want to do like go to meeting with Trevor and when I wasn't doing that I was sitting in my room picking up random hobbies."

"You got kicked off of a soccer team for being too aggressive? What the fuck did you do?"

"I used my hands."

"You just said you were the goalie. Aren't you're allowed to use your hands? I'm really not understanding why you got kicked off."

"I used my hands to punch a girl in the face after she slept with boyfriend at the time. She was on my team and kept taunting me during practice so I stepped out of goal and swung. It was senior year so I didn't have much to lose. Long story short it turned into a cat fight and the principal told us we both couldn't come back for the rest of the season."

"Well damn."

"What can I say, I have a nice right hook."

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