Chapter XV

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to my alarm. I yawned as I shut it off. I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position and grabbed my cane. I started my slow walk to the closet. I grabbed some clothes and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower which took around thirty minutes I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a green and black flannel with red converse. I sat on my bed and strapped on my leg braces. I just finished getting ready when my mom yelled, "Y/n, Dinah and Emily are here!" Dinah? What's she doing here. Then I remembered what she said last night. "Fine, but I'm going with you to tell the principle tomorrow so you actually do it." I sighed. Great now people would recognize her at school. I grabbed my cane and backpack as I made my way out my room and to the door. Once I reached them I saw all of them standing in the door way. "Okay be safe," my mom kissed my head and pushed us out the door.

"Nice cane," Emily commented with a snicker. "You look like an old lady."

Dinah chuckled. "Hey at least she's a gorgeous old lady."

"Yea-wait a second!"

They laughed at me. We made our way to Dinah's car and all climbed in. "So we ready to bust Jessica, Peter, and John?" Emily asked leaning forward from the backseat.

"So that's their names," Dinah nodded. "Noted."

"You're not doing anything," I told her. "It's not worth it."

"You're worth anything."

I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. It was like that for a moment just staring into each other's eyes when all of a sudden a car honked at us. Apparently the light was green and we weren't moving. Emily laughed at us. "That was funny."

"You coulda told us ya know," I scolded her.

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" She asked.

Dinah looked at her through the mirror. "I'm starting to like you."

Emily flipped her hair. "Who wouldn't?" We both laughed at her. Finally we arrived at the school. We exited the car and slowly made our way inside and towards the principles office. While walking through the halls I heard some kids whispering to each other, and rather badly obviously if I could hear them.

"Is that really Dinah Jane Hansen?"

"Yeah and what's she doing with the freak Y/l/n?"

I didn't let their words affect me. After all it's not the first time I've heard something like that, so I just shrugged it off like it was nothing. At least that's what I let it seem like. In actuality my heart dropped. I was hurt. Was I really that much a freak that it's weird for some one to hang out with me? I sighed. That's when I felt Dinah grab my hand. I looked at her and she smiled at me. I smiled back. Finally we arrived at the principles office. The three of us sat down in his office.

"So what seems to be the problem ?" Principle Rogers asked.

"Jessica, Peter, and John have been harassing me for a year. I want something done about it," I spoke firmly.

"Do you have any proof?"

"Just the bruises on my body."

"Well then there's not much I can do about that."

"Can't you check the cameras!" Emily exclaimed.

"Yes, but it will take time. Are you okay with that?" I nodded. "Okay, then I will get right on that. You may leave."

We all stood up and walked out. "Well that went shitty," Dinah spoke for the first time.

"Tell me about it," Emily folded her arms.

I sighed. "This is why I didn't want to say anything. Nothing will change and now they'll find out I told and make things worse for me."

"Not if I can help it," Dinah stated and then walked off.

"What is she doing?" I asked Emily.

"How would I know?" Emily shrugged. "But let's follow her."

"Yeah cuz that's not creepy at all."

She punched my shoulder. "Shut up." We slowly followed Dinah and we arrived at the cafeteria. When she walked in everyone started to clap. She smiled and got them to calm down. She walked over to an empty table and stood on top of it. "Where's Jessica, Peter, and John?!" She yelled so everyone could hear her.

"Oh no," I whispered to myself.

"We're right here!" Jessica shouted as they stepped forward with smiles on their faces having no idea what was about to really happen. Dinah stepped down and walked over to them. I couldn't hear what was said but I could see the looks of realization on their faces so I couldn't help but wonder. After she was done talking to them they ran over to me.

"We're sorry," Jessica said.

"Yeah, we'll never do it again," Peter continued.

"Yeah never," John repeated. They ran off.

I stared where they left dumbfounded. There's no way that just happened. But it did. Dinah walked over to us with a smile on her face. "What did you do?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing, just discovered their secrets and threatened to expose them if they didn't stop and tell Mr. Rogers what they've been doing."

My face grew into a grin. "I fucking love you."

"Love ya too babe." I blushed and looked down causing her to chuckle. Just then the bell rang. "Come on, let's get to class."

I looked at her confused. "You're coming with us?"

"Yup. Gotta make sure they hold up their end of the bargain."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah okay." With that we headed to our first period English class. This should be interesting.

Hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you thought about it

Ps You're Beautiful (Dinah/you)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora