Chapter XXII

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Y/n's POV

After everything went down with Dinah I haven't left my bed. I was lying there like a depressed potato when my door burst open revealing none other than Emily.

"ALRIGHT BITCH ENOUGH WITH THE MOPING TIME TO GET UP!" She yelled as she walked over to me. I didn't make a move so she leaned down to my ear. "I said.....GET UP!" I still didn't move. She sighed and sat down next to me. "Come on Y/n/n you have to get up eventually."

"Eventually, that doesn't mean today," I replied ever so smartly.

She glared at me. "You know what I mean." I shrugged. "Why won't you get out of bed?"

"Maybe because the love of my life is heartbroken and it's all my fault and now she won't even talk to me," I answered with sass. She smiled. "What?"

"You said the love of your life."

My eyes went wide. "I did?"

"Yup," she said popping the 'p'.

I groaned. "You didn't hear that."

"Sure I didn't. Anyway, if she's the love of your life why won't you go for her."

"Because," I paused, "I dont need the hate. I finally stopped getting it from school I don't need it online now too."

"She stopped the hate at school, what makes you think she won't stop the hate online?"

"Because that was three people Emily, this is thousands."

"It's Dinah Jane Hansen. She'll find a way. You just have to give her a chance." I thought about it. Maybe I should. But then again there was no way she would be able to stop all the hate. There was just no chance. That's when the door rang. "Oh that should be the pizza guy."

"You ordered pizza?"

"Duh, it's your favorite food when you're depressed."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not hungry."

Emily gave me a look. "Bitch don't lie to me. We are not going down the starving yourself road again. You're eating."

"Whatever." She stood up and left the room.

Emily's POV

I left the room and went to the front door and opened it. "You're not the pizza delivery guy," I said to the four girls standing in front of me.

"Pizza?! I want Pizza!" The girl on the left exclaimed I smiled at her five year old enthusiasm causing the green eyed girl to glare at me as she replied:

"Camz, you already ate."

"But that was an hour ago." The green eyed girl gave her a look. She bowed her head. "Sorry."

I took them in. The girl in front had long black hair and emerald green eyes. The girl to her left had long brown hair and caramel brown eyes. The girl to her right had brown hair and brown eyes and the girl I could barely see in the back had dirty blonde hair. That's when I realized who they were. "Wait a second, you're Dinah's friends." My eyes grew wide. "Oh shit you're Dinah's friends."

"Yeah we are, now where's Y/n?" The green eyed girl asked. Hey, I may know who they are that doesn't mean I know their names.

"Umm....not here that's for sure. This is my house."

"Uh huh sure it is," the African American girl sassed me. "We need to talk to her."

"She is unavailable at the moment."

"Okay enough with the crap," the green eyed girl said as she pushed past me and walked inside the house with the others following her lead. I quickly closed the door and ran in front of them forcing them to stop their venture down the hallway to Y/n's room.

"You can't go in there," I whispered softly so Y/n wouldn't hear.

"Why not?" Greenie whispered back. Yes, I'm calling her greenie now.

"Because she's depressed."

"And you think Dinah isn't?"

"No you don't get it. She's literally depressed. She has depression. She used to self harm, she tried to kill herself." They all looked at each other contemplating what I said.

"Why didn't Dinah tell us?" The African American one asked the others.

"Because Dinah doesn't know." I sighed. "I'll let you talk to her, but if you say one mean thing you're gonna have to deal with me. Got it?"They all nodded. "Follow me." I led them down the hallway to Y/n's room. Okay, let's see what they have to say.

Oooooooo they showed up at your house. What do you think is gonna be said? Tell me what you thought in the comments.

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