Chapter XVIII

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Y/n's POV

When we arrived at Dinah's house neither of us moved to get out of the car. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Dinah asked me concerned. "The girls can be a little much sometimes."

I nodded. "Yeah I'm sure. I mean, you already met Emily so now it's my turn."

"You don't have to though. They'll understand if you don't want to meet them."

"I know, but I want to."

Dinah nodded. "Well okay then, let's go." We exited the car and went inside her house. We headed to her room and she had to carry me up the stairs. I pouted the whole time but I secretly enjoyed it. Once we reached her room she set me down in the chair in front of her computer. She logged in and went to Skype. She pressed the call button in a group chat and moved out of the camera view.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I wanna see their reaction when they only see you," she explained and I nodded. Just then someone picked up.

She had dark brown hair and caramel brown eyes. It was obvious she was of Spanish decent. "Dinah! Oh my god did you change you're hair?!" I laughed at her sarcasm. "Holy shit you laughed at my joke! No one ever laughs at my jokes!" I laughed even more. She seemed chill. "Who ever you are I like you. So what's your name?"

I smiled. "Patrica."

She laughed. "I feel like you're lying to me, but if you're not that's awesome."

I laughed too. "I wish I wasn't."

That's when Dinah came into the picture. "You wish your name was Patrica?" She asked me confused.

"Uhhhhhh DUH! Think how cool it would be. No one would believe that's my name."


The girl was just staring at us confused. "Wait a second," she started to put the pieces together, "you're Y/n?"

I nodded. "That's my name."

"Oh my god! I've heard so much about you!"

"I've heard so much about you too!"

She smiled big. "Really?"

I shook my head. "No." She pouted. "Sorry," I laughed.

"It's fine." Just then someone else joined the call. She had black hair with emerald green eyes.

"Yea-wait is this Y/n?" She asked.

"The one and only," I smiled. "Eh that's not true. I bet there's multiple Y/n's on this earth."

The girl smiled at me. "Well it's nice to meet you finally. I'm Lauren. And since this other idiot has probably yet to introduce herself that's Camila."

"It's nice to meet you both." That's when one more person joined the call.

"Was up?!" The African American girl exclaimed. "Wait, who's that?"

"That's Patrica," Camila lied. I smiled.

The girl examined me before saying, "No it's not."

"But what if it was!" I exclaimed.

"Wait a second. Weird personality, hanging with Dinah, you're Y/n aren't you?"

I frowned. "Maaaaaaybeeeeee."

She laughed. "I'm Normani. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Normani." Finally the last person joined the call.

"Howdy y'all," she spoke. "Oh hi, Y/n." I waved.

Everyone had confused faces. "How'd you know it was Y/n?" Camila asked.

"Dinah showed me a picture of her," the girl answered. "By the way I'm Ally."

"Hi ally." I said. It was silent for five seconds before they all started to talk over each other trying to ask me questions. I had no idea what they were saying. "Um.....guys?" They kept talking. "Guys?" I tried again. It didn't work. "Guys?!" They all shut up. "Thank you. One at a time please." They all's started to talk over each other again. "Ya know what?!" They all shut up again. "Imma call on you guys. Camila first."

"What are your intentions with my best friend?" She asked me.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh," I so smartly responded. "I don't know." Man this was awkward. How did Dinah handle yhis from my mom?

"How do you not know?" Lauren asked.

"I've never been in a relationship I'm sorry!" I spoke fast embarrassed. They all laughed at me and I could feel my face heat up so I covered my face with my hands.

"Awww," Dinah cooed. "Isn't she just adorable?"

I put my hands down and pouted. "I'm not adorable."

"Yes you are," she said in a baby voice pinching my cheek.

I swatted her hand away. "No." She kissed my cheek causing my face to heat up once again and the girls aw'd at our interaction. After that we kept talking with the girls asking me question after question. They really wanted to get to know me which was defiantly new for me, but I enjoyed getting to know them too. I actually have more than one friend now and a possible girlfriend. Holy shit. My life couldn't get any better right now. I just wish I knew what I knew now. All good things must come to an end.

Ooooooooo foreshadow. Tell what you thought in the comments

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