Chapter XX

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Y/n's POV

I put the razor down and picked up my phone. I thought it would be Dinah but to my surprise it wasn't.

Emily🙄: Don't do it

I looked at my phone confused then around the room wondering if she was hiding in here. She wasn't.

You: What?

Emily🙄: You know exactly what I'm talking about
Emily🙄: Don't you dare cut

You: How'd u know

Emily🙄: I saw the video and the comments
Emily🙄: Figured you had too
Emily🙄: Had to make sure you didn't do something stupid
Emily🙄: Did you?

You: No
You: Not yet anyway

Emily🙄: No there is no yet
Emily🙄: I'm coming over

You: But ur still at school

Emily🙄: You're more important than school
Emily🙄: I'm coming over

I didn't reply knowing there was no changing her mind. I heard a bark behind me causing me to jump. I turned around and saw Pupper (A/N that's the puppy's name right? I'm too lazy to go check) standing there wagging his tail. I walked over to him, bent down, and picked him up. He started to lick my face as I made my way to my bed. I sat down with him petting him waiting for Emily to arrive. Twenty minutes later she did. She marched right into my room and went straight to my bathroom. I slowly followed her. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting anything that's sharp out of this room," she answered as she searched through my drawers.

She started to open one drawer that contained all my razors. "No!" I shouted on accident.

She gave me a look and opened the drawer. Once she saw all the razors she frowned. "I thought you got rid of hem."

"I did," I replied honestly. She gave me a "really?" look. "And then I bought more."

"Why Y/n? You don't need to do this."

"I don't know what else to do okay. It releases the pain, gives me something to control. I'm sorry."

Emily sighed. "Okay. Just please, please, if you feel like doing it call or text me. Please?"

"I will," I nodded.

"Thank you. You know I love you."

I smiled. "I know." She grabbed the razors and walked past me out of he bathroom and back into my room.

"Which is why you'll understand why I'm about to do this."

"Do what?" I asked already knowing the answer. She smiled and ran to the kitchen where my mom was. "EMILY!" I walked as fast as I could to them which wasn't very fast. When I finally got there my mom was holding the razors and they were silent.

My mom looked at me. "Sweetheart." She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention."

"It's not your fault Mom," I told her pulling away. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"How about we both agree to do better?" I nodded. She hugged me again.

"Speaking of telling people," Emily started, "have you told Dinah?"

I looked down. "No."

"You have to tell her."

I looked up. "No I don't. She doesn't need to know everything about me."

"She's your girlfriend, yes she does."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Not yet."

"No. Not ever. Not after this. Can we drop it now?" They both nodded and we ate food. After we finished eating Emily left and I went back to my room. I laid down getting ready to sleep when my phone dinged. I grabbed it and saw the message.

DJ: Did u enjoy the date

You: Yes I did

DJ: Sweet
DJ: Then will u be my girlfriend now

I sighed. I wanted to say yes. Oh how badly I wanted to say yes. But I couldn't do it. Not after what happened.

You: No

DJ: Oh
DJ: Okay

You: I'm sorry

DJ: It's fine
DJ: I have to go now
DJ: Bye Y/n

You: Bye.......I guess

DJ: U prolly don't wanna hear this but
DJ: I made a promise
DJ: And I don't break my promises
DJ: So
DJ: Ps you're beautiful

Damn you left Dinah heartbroken. What will happen next? Tell me what you think in the comments.

Ps You're Beautiful (Dinah/you)Where stories live. Discover now