Chapter XXXXII

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You: Ask me
You: Ask me right now

DJ: Ask u what

You: That question you were going to ask me
You: Ask me right now

DJ: Emily told you

You: Maybe she did
You: Maybe she didn't
You: So Ask me

DJ: I already told you
DJ: I won't ask over text

You: Then you better get your ass over here

DJ: I cant I'm in LA

You: I'll have sex with you

DJ: Have you even had sex

You: Have yoU??

DJ: No

You: Well there's your answer

DJ: And you want me to be your first??

You: Yup
You: We can have engagement sex

DJ: So emily did tell you
DJ: And you plan to say yes???

You: I guess you'll have to ask to find out

DJ: 👀
DJ: Omw

Oooooooo now ya know if you didn't. At least I hope you know now if you didn't. ANYWHORE hope you enjoyed things are about to get spicy.

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