Chapter XXXIII

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Y/n's POV

I was sitting on my couch depressed eating ice cream watching TV with Emily. We were watching MTV. "This is so stupid!" I exclaimed with a mouth full of ice cream. "No one cares about Justin Bieber  anymore!"

Emily chuckled at me. "Why are you so into this?"

I glared at her. "You know why?" She put her hands up in surrender. We continued to watch until finally Emily muted it. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Why you do dat?"

"Try texting her again," Emily pushed for the millionth time.

"And why would I do that?" I rolled my eyes. "It's been a week. You really think she's gonna answer now?"

"She might. You never know."

"I do know. She doesn't want to talk to me anymore. It's cool. I don't care." Emily gave me a look. I sighed. "Fine. I do care. I care so fucking much that I'm sticking to you like glue so I don't fucking kill myself. Happy?"

Emily sighed. "Look-"

"Shut up," I cut her off searching for the remote.


"I said shut up!" I finally found it and unmuted the TV.

"Rumors of Dinah being gay after caught kissing a girl have finally been answered." I leaned closer to the TV. What were they talking about? "In this interview Dinah finally addresses the kiss. Here it is."

Dinah was sitting down with the other girls in the interview. "Okay," the lady said. "This next question is to Dinah. Are you gay and what did the kiss mean to you?"

Dinah look around before answering. "No, I'm not gay," she answered. "As for the kiss....well it meant nothing to me. I was just experimenting. That's it."

It went back to the MTV guy. "There ya have it folks   Dinah Jane Hansen is not gay."

I felt my heart shatter as they went to commercial. She used me. She fucking used me. I didn't mean shit to her. Though I shouldn't be surprised I don't mean shit to anyone. This couldn't actually be happening. But it was. None of it was real. She never cared. Not once.

"Y/n/n," Emily spoke in a sad voice.

I stood up and slowly made my way to the kitchen. Thankfully Emily didn't follow. I made my way over to the knife drawer and opened it. I grabbed a knife and bought it to my arm. I knew I had to be quick before Emily came. But the question was: do I cut? Or go for the kill? Maybe I should just end it all. I mean what's the point anymore. The one person I have ever loved never loved me back and even lied to my face about it. But I still had Emily. I couldn't do that to her. So I went with the former. Cutting. I brought the knife to my wrist and made my first cut in six months. One for letting her hurt me. One for believing her. One for trusting her. One for being naive. That's when I heard Emily stand up and walk towards the kitchen. I put the knife in the sink and turned on the sink and put my wrist under it.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked now worried.

"Nothing," I replied frantically. She marched over to me and grabbed my left wrist. I winced in pain. When she saw it her eyes filled with tears.

"Why?" She asked as a tear fell.

"I'm so stupid," I finally broke down failing to the floor. She came down with me and hugged me. And that's all we did. Hug and cry until my mom came home.

Oooooooo what do ya think. Tell me in the comments.

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