Chapter XXXXIV

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Y/n's POV

I opened the door and who I saw was not who I expected. "D-Dad?"

"Hello, Y/n," he greeted. I looked back at Dinah to see if this was real and she seemed fixated on him so it must be.

"Hi," I whispered back now afraid of what he was going to say.

"Are you going to invite me in?" He asked. I nodded and he walked in going straight to the living room. Me and Dinah followed and we all sat down. He glanced down at my legs. "I see you're still disabled."

I frowned. "Were you hoping I wasn't anymore?"

He nodded. "Yes I was." It was silent for a moment. "I see you have a girlfriend."

I looked at Dinah and smiled. "Yeah, I do." I looked back at him.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"What do you mean?"

"She's dating you out of pity."

I felt tears fill my eyes as my heart broke. Did he seriously come all this way to pick a fight with me? "That's not true." I felt a tear drop and Dinah was quick to remove it.

"She's famous, why else would she date you? She just wants to look good."

I glanced at Dinah and saw her boiling with rage. I placed my hand on top of hers so she would calm down. "How do you even know about us?"

"A friend showed me a video of you two on stage and asked me if you were my daughter. Once I found out about you two I figured I had to warn you."

"So you came all this way . . . for this?"

He nodded. "Yes. I just want to help you."

"You didn't wanna help me before but now you do?!" I shouted in anger. "You left! Because you didn't wanna help me! Do I need to remind you of that?!"

"Now you listen to me," he spoke through gritted teeth. "I am your father-"

"No," I chuckled through my tears. "You lost that title the second you walked out that door! So why don't you just do it again?! Huh! It's what you're good at!"

He stood up. "Fine. But when she breaks your heart don't come crying to me!"

I stood up as well. "I wouldn't do that if I was dying!" He walked towards the door and I followed. As he walked out I yelled, "And for the record! We're engaged!" I slammed he door shut and burst into tears as I collapsed on the floor. Dinah kneeled down next to me and held me as I cried. I couldn't believe it. He wasn't sorry for anything he did, and now he's trying to tell me that Dinah is using me. As if I would actually listen to him. I continued to sob into Dinah's shoulder as she held me. Eventually I calmed down enough to pull away. "Ask me."

Dinah pulled out the box and opened it with her hand. She smiled and asked, "Marry me?"

I smiled big forgetting about what just happened. "Yes. A million times yes." I pulled her into a kiss. She tried to deepen it and I stopped her. "Woah there tiger."

"Hey, I believe I was promised engagement sex."

I looked away. "Yeah, about that..."

She pulled away. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

I looked at her. "Of course I want to. It's just . . . I don't know how to have sex or if I even can."

"It's okay. I'll do all the work. Today is about you." I smiled at her and she pecked my lips. She stood up  and then helped me to my feet. We made our way to my room and by that I mean she carried me. Then we had the. Best. Night. Ever.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA. Anyway, what should happen next or should I do an epilogue and bring it to a close? Hope you enjoyed.

Ps You're Beautiful (Dinah/you)Where stories live. Discover now