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Y/n's POV

Once the show ended Emily led me backstage to meet the girls. Apparently we were on the list so it worked. Once I entered the door Dinah tackled me in a hug. "I'm so sorry," she apologized for what felt like the millionth time in my ear.

"It's okay," I whispered back. We pulled away and she gave me a quick kiss before pulling me further into the room and sitting me down on her lap. "How long were you guys planning this?" I asked the girls.

"Just a couple days," Emily shrugged. I nodded. "So did these two," I pointed to Camila and Lauren, "ever figure things out?"

Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and smiled. "We sure did."

We all awed at them. "Shut up," Camila groaned as she hid her face in Lauren's neck. We awed again causing her to groan. We laughed.

"Enough about us," Lauren rolled her eyes. "What about you two? Got any plans?"

I was about to say no when Dinah spoke up, "We sure do." I looked at her confused. "I planned us a date."

I smiled at her. "You didn't have to do that ya know."

"But I wanted to," she smiled back. "We have to go now though." I nodded so Emily helped me up and Dinah followed. Dinah quickly changed into more comfortable clothes then we said our goodbyes and went out the back door to avoid fans. Once we made it to the streets we walked hand in hand.

"Soooooo," I started, "Wanna tell me what the plan is?" 

Dinah thought about it. "Not really no." I glared at her. "Fine, to be honest though. I don't really have a plan."

I stopped walking making her stop as well. "What?" I asked. 

Dinah chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I just kinda wanted to get away. Spend some time with you."

I smiled. "Sounds like a good plan to me." We continued walking. "So, you, the gayest person I know, had a boyfriend?" I decided to tease her.

She laughed throwing her head back. "Yeah. He was my beard. He was also obsessed with me, probably still is. Oh well." I laughed. "So you're telling me you've never used someone as a beard?"

I thought about it. "Nope," I popped the "p".


"Yeah, I knew I was gay when I was pretty young," I explained. "I didn't see anything wrong with it. I told my parents and they didn't care so I thought no one would. I've never actually gotten hate for being gay. I'm pretty lucky."

Dinah nodded. "Yeah, I guess we both are." We smiled at each other. We were silent for a moment. She let go of my hand to put her hands in her pockets and spoke, "There's something I need to ask you."

I nodded. "Go ahead." She opened her mouth to speak when my phone dinged. "Sorry." I pulled out my phone to see who it was and when I did my face fell. No fucking way.

Oooooo who messaged you? But here's the question: should I continue the book or bring it to a close and do a new book? Cuz I still have some ideas but tell me what you guys want and I will do whatever that is. Hope you enjoyed.

Ps You're Beautiful (Dinah/you)Where stories live. Discover now