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Teresa went over to Maya, Riley, and Elliot when she saw them at school. "I'm so worried about this school year. New school, new people, I didn't think I was going to survive. Not only am I surviving I'm thriving. I'm like a plant going like this," Riley makes an awkward pose, "What was I do worried about." Riley says. Maya makes a move to go in the classroom before going back and covering Riley's eyes. Teresa went and peaked to see what it was.

"What are you doing? Oh, this is too easy, it's Maya. I know because I saw you put your hand over my face, I'll do you now." Riley said going to cover Maya's eyes.

"That's not the game." Maya said worried for her best friend.

"Whats the game?" Riley questioned confused.

"The game is protect the plant from the bulldozer in the ugly pink sweater." Teresa said.

"Oh, Teresa bulldozers don't wear ugly pink sweaters," Riley said going towards the class before stopping when she saw Lucas and Missy on a desk talking from across each other, "Huh."

"You okay?" Elliot questioned concerned for his sister figure.

"Yeah." Riley said sliding down a locker. Maya slid down the wall next to Riley and Elliot slid down the locker in the other side of Riley. They both looked at Teresa.

"I'm wearing a skirt." Teresa said defending herself. Elliot took Teresa's hand making her sit on his lap, Teresa blushed.

"Look at what the bulldozer did to you." Maya said.

"There are other girls in this world." Riley said.

"There are." Maya respond.

"Clearly." Teresa added.

"And other girls like missy Bradford are going to talk to Lucas." Riley said.

"They are." Elliot said.

"I don't like that." Riley said.

"We know." Teresa said.

"I wish it was just me and you." Riley said.

"Then it is." Maya said. Riley put her head in Maya's shoulder.

"How about us?" Teresa questioned pointing at herself and Elliot.

"You can live in another planet." Maya said.

"Okay." Elliot said.

"You know, I could always get Lucas grounded." Teresa pointed out.

"You could do that." Riley said shocked.

"How?" Maya asked curious.

"I talk to my dad, then his grounded." Teresa said.

"You just ask him to that then he will?" Maya questioned.

"I could but then Lucas's mom would ask why, so I'll just make an excuse." Teresa said.

"Poor Lucas, Your a terrible sister." Elliot said.

"Doesn't really count I'm his step sister." Teresa said.

"That will be our plan C." Maya said.

"Whats plan A and B then?" Teresa questioned.


"Sneak attack. December 7th, 1941." Mr. Cory said. They were now in class, Teresa glaring at the back of Lucas head most of the time barley paying attention to the teacher.

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