Chapter 25

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Savannah James

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Savannah James

"Might I just say, you look incredibly beautiful tonight."

My eyes rolled back into my head as my neck drew in the light feathered kisses of Nathan's lips. I smiled in knowing that the car had black out windows and that we were presently positioned at a red light, waiting rather patiently for them to turn.

"I could say the same for you," my voice fell through as a hoarse whisper in knowing just how intensely turned on I was by his touch alone. But this feeling was more heightened than usual, maybe given the certain individual that was currently occupying all the thoughts in my mind.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

I turned and opened my eyes to Nathan's teasing, somewhat and selfishly wishing it wasn't his face I was now looking at.

"Always," I laughed as he finally pulled up at the valet station.

Nathan gave in his keys, receiving a ticket back in response before leading me inside the rather luxurious restaurant. I immediately felt out of place despite the outfit I was wearing. Nathan ran his fingers through the upside strings around my back, holding together the red satin dress wrapped around my body.

A tall lady greeted us at the door, her heels graciously towering over my own. Victoria secret models would be envious of her amazing legs, humbling my own self when I'd remembered how impressed I had been with looking in the mirror earlier this evening. This girl took the cake, truly.

"Welcome to Tavolo Ricco, do you have a reservation with us?" Even her voice was more sultry than I could ever have imagined, painting an image of perfection in just about every man, and woman's, mind.

"We have a table for two, under the name Reece. Nathan Reece."

She briefly checked over the iPad screen in front of her before focusing upwards at the man standing before her. "Of course, Mr Reece. If you'd like to follow me." She seemingly winked to him, destroying every inch of respect I had for her at first. Was I very much invisible to the female eye?

However, Nathan's reassurance came with his hand wrapping round my waist instead, claiming me as his own. I grinned to my smug self as she recognised the claim and smiled nevertheless, showing us to a table with a dark yet beautiful view of the city.

"This is so—" my heart practically combust through my words when I scanned my eyes over from the window to the table positioned incredibly close to ours and to just about everyone else's in the restaurant.

I could never understand why places insisted on squeezing every customer they could into a single space, resulting in various diners basically eating on top of each other. Usually, I wouldn't find too much of a problem with it since I understood the need for the high footfall of customers in keeping businesses afloat, until now.

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