Chapter 30

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My heart truly warmed at the beautiful display in front of us

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My heart truly warmed at the beautiful display in front of us.

Valentina, April and I had spent the latter half of the morning organising Riley's themed birthday picnic while she was getting herself ready with Tom, Henry and Josh.

Josh had collected some things from his apartment before coming back to my own, as per his own request to see and spend time with the birthday girl before she was swarmed with family and friends at the park.

It was decorated with everything Alice in Wonderland themed and yet there was a perfect hint of modernity in it with plenty of food, drinks and a floral display with character pop-ups, bringing the party to life and just how Riley would love to experience it.

I'd already spent the very early hours of the morning with Riley when she'd managed to wake me up from the hard floor beside her while Tom and Henry took comfort in the shared surface of my bed, a fact I offered up and couldn't allow for them to refuse.

"Mommy!" She whisper shouted and shook my shoulders lightly, "mommy, wake up, it's my birthday!" A smile appeared against my features before my eyes were even able to open.

I opened up my arms and brought Riley into them, snaking her small body against mine. Her squirming caused my eyes to finally open as I tightened my embrace.

"Happy birthday baby."

In searching for my phone, it was only 6am, and given that Riley was already awake and excited for the day, there would be little to no chance of getting her back to sleep again. "Be careful not to wake Uncle Tom and Henry, they've had long flights which has probably made them very tired," I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Only once Riley pulled open the door of her bedroom did I remember who was sleeping rather soundly on my living room couch.

"Daddy!" Riley shouted, disregarding anything I had previously said about Henry and Tom sleeping, "this is the best birthday already!" She practically pounced down onto his chest, waking him with a startle in the process and yet bringing a familiar smile to his lips.

"Happy birthday sweetie." He lifted her into his arms and began peppering kisses over her cheeks. I stood at the doorway with a grin occupying my features. Riley had only known her father for a couple of weeks now and already she was absolutely infatuated with him.

Tom and Henry managed to sleep in a little longer while Josh and I made Riley some pancakes and watched as she opened a few presents and cards from my family.

"Does your family know about her yet?" I whispered as we stood on one side of the kitchen counter watching on in awe as Riley attempted to read various cards she had opened.

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