Chapter 10: BIRTH

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Meanwhile in the cafeteria... it was no wonder the office workers were trying to get as far away as possible.

Trump was going into labor. It shouldn't have been too much of a surprise. All the pregnancies in his family only lasted a few days. It took very little time for Trump children's brains to develop in the womb, there was just so little to develop in the first place.

The cafeteria was in chaos. People ran screaming as Shrek helped Donald into a chair. His fetus sack was jiggling wildly, his toupée had long since been thrown across the room by the jiggles.

Shrek started chanting some kind of ogre birthing song as Trump practically vibrated.

The fetus pimple on Donald's head finally burst.

The baby flew into the air. As Trump sat there oblivious to his child about to fall onto the cafeteria floor, Shrek dove to catch it.

The baby fell into his hands. Shrek stood up from the floor, holding the baby triumphantly. Trump was still in a daze so Shrek held the child.

He was so happy... then he looked down at the child. It had Donald's minuscule hands with Shrek's ears and green skin. An abomination. Their baby.

The Shrump Chronicles  (Donald Trump x Shrek) (Shronald)Where stories live. Discover now