Chptr. 24: Whispers to the Moon

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3rd person's POV

A month had passed. A lot of things had happened for that one month without Jimin. There are sad moments at first but was soon replaced with fun and memorable ones. The Music festival came which everyone has waited ever since the start of the school year.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi joined a contest and won second place. They performed in front of many students which they can't believe would ever happen. Of course, Namjoon and Jin helped them prepare. They didn't even know that they would join since Jin just entered their names in secret.

At first, Jungkook didn't want it but was soon forced to perform with just a glare from Yoongi. Just how scary could that be. 

Yoongi played the piano while Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung danced to it. Jungkook also sang with his angelic voice.

The crowd loved their performance at that time. They were screaming their names which the students only happened to know because of that one performance. Now everyone could say that they have become popular. Their sunbaenim's performance was a little more precise and controlled, more experienced than theirs that's why they came in first. It didn't even bother them because they were told that they were great.

Taehyung and Hoseok, on the other hand, revealed that they have already shared an intimate kiss between the two of them, shocking everyone with the sudden announcement. Although nothing more than a kiss happened to them, the others keep on questioning them who Tops or who Bottom making the two hit them. They don't have any label to put on their relationship yet but their feelings for each other says everything.

After that came the test for the students. It was like a performance exam that could decide whether they could go up to another Level. And of course, winning the contest helped them became well known. They easily passed and became officially Level 2 students. Now they only need to move into 1 more level before they could Debut as Idols. 

All of that happened within that one month. That one month without Jimin.

"Cheers to the new graduates!~" Jin shouted with a sheepish smile. He might have drunk a lot judging from his appearance. 

"It's not our graduation Jin-hyung!" Taehyung uttered earning a laugh from everyone who was also a little bit drunk, not as drunk as Jin to be precise.

They are in Jungkook and the others' shared room. They decided to have a few drinks even though it's not allowed in the dorm. This was their second time to sneak in some soju and beers. It was easy though since Namjoon and Jin were there.

"You're all popular now, I'm proud of you." Namjoon told with a smile as he complimented everyone. He raised his bottle of beer and the others followed. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi were on the couch while Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok were sitting on the floor, gathered around the coffee table.

"Here's to your success and for your hard work." They clanged their bottle of beers and shouted,


Everyone took a chug of their beer. Their faces were turning red but they are still not getting drunk, besides Jin though. The oldest was just sheepishly smiling while leaning on Namjoon's shoulder. He wasn't so much of a fan of drinking that's why even though he only drank half a bottle he was close to passing out.

"Namjooniieee~ hug meee~" Jin whined and was clinging to Namjoon's arm. Taehyung and Hoseok was laughing at Jin. 

Yoongi just shakes his head whilst a smile crawled on the side of his cheek. Jungkook who was looking at the two was a little bit envious for some reason. He shrugged the idea off and got his phone from his pocket to save the hilarious scene in front of them. 

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