Chptr. 33: Like a mad man

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3rd person's POV

Jungkook was worried since Jimin didn't attend their practice later that afternoon. No matter how tired they are, they still decided to continue their evening practice given that they only have just three days left before their actual performance. 

The others were also aware that the secretary's intention must've brought bad news to Jimin that's why he was out of nowhere.

"I knew it! That secretary was up to no good! I shouldn't have told him about Jimin's whereabouts when he asked for him." Jin was furious and was about to walk away the dance room to go straight into Jimin's room and seek for answers himself but Jungkook managed to grab him by the elbow.

"I'll handle this, just focus on our practice first hyung, I'll come back." Jin gave him a slight smile and nodded.

Jungkook rushed out of the practice room to get into Jimin's dorm room as fast as he can. He was just hoping that nothing bad happened to him. Jungkook ringed the doorbell once...twice, then comes the third time but no one's answering back. He felt uneasy, is Jimin inside?

"Jimin-hyung?" He called.

"Hyung are you inside?" He heaved a sigh with worry but he can't just give up that easily. Jungkook decided to run through the backyard of the Dorm Building to climb up the emergency stairs which would lead him to the older's room. 

He wasted no time to hurry up and when he was finally in Jimin's window, he was welcomed with an opened curtains. He saw Jimin crying in the corner, his knees curled up in his chest whilst he was sobbing in that corner. He looked so broke that it broke Jungkook's heart too. How come an angel like him look so broken?

Jungkook climbed in the windows and he knelt in front of Jimin. He slowly reach out for his chin and when their eyes met, Jungkook swear that his heart clenched. He carefully reach out his hands and cupped the older's swollen cheeks due to crying.

"What's wrong Jimin-hyung?" His voice was as soft as a lullaby, afraid of bringing more pain to the person in front of him if ever he say one wrong word.

Jimin didn't say anything, he just stared at Jungkook with his tears still evident on his glistening eyes. 

"J-Jungkook..." He managed to say until his voice broke again into what seem to be an endless sobs.

"Talk to me...please, I don't want to see you like this." Jungkook was about to broke in tears too but he was stopping himself. Jimin needs him and he needs to be least for him.

There's a lot of things going on inside of Jimin's head. He processed every words Mr. Kim said to him and it all made sense. Jungkook wouldn't be happy with him, staying together wouldn't do them any good and would only result in nothingness since Jungkook's dreams would be at risk. Jimin was hating himself for thinking that he and Jungkook could be together. He realized that his father wasn't harming Jungkook. Instead, he was the one who should be avoiding Jungkook.

And if being together would only result in his friends' career misfortune and to Jungkook's too, Jimin had already decided that maybe what they had wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. 

"Jimin please...I love you...please talk to me." Jungkook hugged him with all the comfort he can give, he whispered sweet things in his ears to soothe him. That's the least he can do.

Jimin was conflicted, if what they have was wrong all this time then why does being with Jungkook's arms feels so right? But he can't...he should stop before it's too late, before he could ruin Jungkook even more. 

"Jungkook you can't love me." Jimin confessed, pulling back in Jungkook's arms. He gathered all of his last energy to utter those hideous words he can't believe he would be able to tell Jungkook.

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