Chapter 14: Suit up!

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Three Months Later
First Sunday of January

Hermione sat on her bed, cross legged and crouched over a Muggle novel, on the last day of winter break. She had about ten minutes until dinner; just enough time to finish the last few chapters of The Grapes of Wrath.

Upon finishing the last chapter - 'Wow, that could of ended better...' She mused - she sat the book aside, stood up from her bed, and stretched her arms above her head. As she smoothed out the wrinkles on her bedspread, her mind wondered to the last two weeks in which she had spent the holidays with Severus. For Hermione, the break from school wasn't much of a 'break' since she wasn't actually attending classes or anything to take a break from; she still spent the most of her time studying for her N.E.W.Ts or reading novels. But for Severus, it was a much needed separation from the 'insufferable dimwits' he taught everyday.

For Hogwart's resident vampires, it was a much needed break from work and study to focus more on preparing Hermione for reentering society safely. They continued to practice meditation and breath control, including forms that could be used discreetly if she started to feel overwhelmed during classes or in the sight of multiple mortals. Severus also kept up his suprise introductions of woodland animals around their unwarded quarters; she would be studying in her bed when her door would be randomly open a crack big enough to let in a mouse or a squirrel that she would automatically detect and would then have to decide how to dispose of. Hermione had to fight back a laugh every time she thought of a particular incident in which she exited the bathroom to find close to fifty rabbits and a smirking Potions Professor inhabiting the living room. With a quirk of an eyebrow and a confused hand gesture that questioned the reason behind the rooms new inhabitants, Severus shrugged noncommitedly and claimed that "constant vigilance is key" and that "you never know when you will be randomly ambushed by fifty clueless first years."

She still struggled with handling the animals with direct hand contact, for she fought to control her bloodthirt when being able to feel the pulsing and flowing of veins and arteries under her palms, but she was able to redirect the animals by nudging them with her foot or handling them with a blanket or towel in her hands. After seeing Hermione flustered numerous times, Severus presented her with a pair of fingerless gloves for Christmas. He claimed that they were to 'stop her whining' during their training sessions, but Hermione could have sworn she saw a twinge of a smile on his face as she excitedly tried them on. They did their job well and the black cotton and lace design made them look stylish enough where they didn't look suspicious. She began to wear them constantly to ensure she was prepared at all times.

That evening, after she finished tidying up her bed, Hermione straightened out her gloves and headed into the living room, where she saw Severus sitting on the couch in front of the coffee table with a chalice of blood in his hand

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That evening, after she finished tidying up her bed, Hermione straightened out her gloves and headed into the living room, where she saw Severus sitting on the couch in front of the coffee table with a chalice of blood in his hand. Hers was waiting for her on the table.

"Good evening." She greeted, moving to sit beside him.

"Evening. How's your studies going?" He asked in a dull voice, though his eyes lit in engagement over the rim of his glass.

"Very well. I was actually taking a break and reading The Grapes of Wrath. You familiar with the novel?"

"Indeed. The ending was rather disappointing though."

"I agree, but I liked the chapter about the turtle."

"Typical girl, liking the only chapter about animals."

"Thats because it's metiphorical!" Hermione shouted in mock distain and received a quiet snort in response. She was about to play-shove his arm when she was interrupted by a knock on their door.

Hermione froze and stared startled at the door. Nobody ever came to visit their living quarters, especially after she secretly moved in. "Severus? Are you expecting someone?" She whispered.

"Yes." He answered, standing up from the couch and setting his glass on the table. "That would be your next test arriving."

Hermione gasped and almost dropped her empty cup on the table as she whipped around to face the retreating form of her father. "But Severus! I don't know if I'm ready to face humans yet!"

Severus paused beside the door and cocked an eyebrow at her. "You can handle fifty free range rabbits but not two humans?"

"The ramifications are different! There are more consequences if I lose control with humans than rabbits! What if lose focus? What if I get too close? What if I..."

"Hermione Jean Granger-Snape!"

Severus' booming voice shocked her out of her rambling. He held her with a cold stare and had his arms crosses over his chest. Hermione met his glare with wide eyes.

"That is quite enough of your hysterics. You need to be that Gryffindor warrior that I know you can be and focus on your end goal. This is a logical progression of your training and I would not have arranged this meeting if I knew you wearn't ready. Now, are you going to proceed with a level head and cool demeanor or are you going to retreat?"

Hermione froze, contemplating his words. He was right, of course; they had been steadily approaching this step and she had been wondering when this time would come. And did he just call her a warrior? Sure, Severus' hard shell had been slowly thinning since they have been spending more time together, but he had never given her that big of a complement. And he wouldn't be pushing her this hard if he didn't believe in her, care about her, would he?

Hermione swallowed her fear, squared her shoulders and took a deep, cleaning breath. "You're right, I'm sorry. Okay, let's do this."

With a nod and a hint of pride in his eyes, Severus opened the door to greet the two forms waiting in the hall. "Good evening, Albus and Minerva. Come on in."

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