Chapter 20: Lost in His Eyes

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Severus and Hermione were drinking their breakfast that Saturday morning when a tapping sound at the front door interrupted them. Confused, Severus got up, wand in hand, and opened the door cautiously and was almost knocked backwards by the intrusion of a blur of white feathers. "What the..."

"Hedwig!" Hermione gasped as Harry's white owl flew in and perched herself on the back of the couch beside her. The owl offered her a leg, revealing a roll of parchment tied to it.

"Well, this is a surprise." Hermione mused as she untied the note. "Why did she come through the door?"

"There's no windows down here." Severus answered before disappearing into the kitchen. He returned with a mouse that he threw to the Hedwig, who caught it mid-air. "I also don't have owl treats."

She giggled at her father's antics as she unrolled the parchment and read the note inside. "Harry and Ron want to know if I can meet them for lunch outside in the courtyard today. Do you think that would be ok?" She asked him.

"I don't see why not. Any temping smells should be diluted by all the fresh air, plus you seemed to be doing well with that regardless. I'll make sure to supply you with the necessary sunblock."

"Thanks Severus! It'll be a nice change of scenery."

"Indeed. But please, wear your necklace."



Hermione reached the oak tree mentioned in the letter before the boys. Laying back on the grass, she enjoyed the feeling of the spring wind on her face and the warmth of the sun on her uv-protected skin. When the boys joined her, she joined in the conversation while drinking O- from her tinted tumbler under the ruse that it was a protein shake.

She had been listening to the boys talking about professional quittach games when a certain smell caught her attention. Excitement swelled behind her breast bone as she nonchalantly raised her head and scanned the courtyard, looking for her mate.

"We better alert the house elves that they forgot to dispose of a load of rubbish out here." Draco Malfoy sneered, receiving snorts of agreement from the two buff boys behind him.

"Shut up, Malfoy. We're not bothering you over here." Harry sat up straight and met Malfoy's sneer with one of his own.

"Your face bothers me no matter where I see it."

Hermione tried to focus on the boys' conversation, but her mind kept floating elsewhere. Sure, pre-vampire Hermione would have been lying if she denied Malfoy's good looks, but his hideous attitude shone much brighter. But now... She couldn't seem to shake just how beautiful he truly is. He didn't slick back his hair anymore, though it was still presisly parted and styled just so. The white-blond stands looked so soft, almost like they were begging for Hermione's hands to run through them. His skin was so pale and blemish free and begging to be kissed and caressed. His forehead wrinkled when he sneered; she wished she could message them away. And his eyes...orbs of liquid mercury filled with so much focus that anyone could loose themselves in them. Hermione's vampire silently growled with even the thought of someone other then her enjoying swimming in those silvery pools.

A quick flicker of movement caught her attention and snapped her back to the present. It was only then did she realise that both Harry and Ron had risen from their picnic site and all five boys began pulling out their wands.

"Wait, don't hurt him!" Hermione shrieked as she shot to her feet faster then a normal human could, not that anybody noticed. Without thought, she busted through the tensed group and managed to wedge herself between the wands of Harry, Ron, and Malfoy.

"Aww, the Mudblood wants to save her boyfriends." Malfoy snickered in a fake caring voice. "How adorable."

"'Mione! Get out of the way!" Ron shouted. "We can defend ourselves!"

"No, Ron, you move!" She turned to face the redhead, her eyes barely holding on to their brown color. "You leave him alone."

"Wait, You're defending him?" Harry asked, confused.

"Yes! He's my-"

"What's going on out here!?"

All seven heads popped up as they heard the stern voice of Professor McGonagall enter the courtyard. All the boys automatically stashed their wands.

"Uh, nothing Ma'am, we're just having a discussion, is all." Ron offered, stepping away from the rest of his classmates. The rest followed suit, each putting a step or so between the person beside them.

"That seams unlikely. Detention for all of you on Monday," McGonagall shot a quick look at Hermione, "with Professor Snape."

All seven students sighed and grumbled in flustration as the Professor left. Harry and Ron were giving Hermione confused looks; she sighed in her head, knowing that she will have to give the boys some type of explanation for her strange behavior.

Her boys weren't the only ones looking at her oddly. Malfoy, before he lead his posse out of the courtyard, shot her an angry look, but she could have sworn she say confusion in his eyes also. And she thought explaining the situation to Harry and Ron was going to be awkward. Would Malfoy question her, ignore it ever happened, harass her even more?

She figured she'd find out Monday.

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